Comparison between clear aligners and 2 × 4 mechanics in the mixed dentition: a randomized clinical trial.
PMID: 36066265
OBJECTIVES: To compare the efficacy and efficiency between clear aligners and 2 × 4 fixed appliances for correcting maxillary incisor position irregularities in the mixed dentition.
7歳から11歳までの32名の患者を、2つの並行治療群に無作為に割り付けた。クリアアライナー群:14名(女児6名、男児8名)、平均初期年齢9.33歳(標準偏差[SD]=1.01)、固定装置群:13名(女児9名、男児4名)、平均初期年齢9.65歳(SD=0.80)、部分固定装置(2×4)。治療前と装置除去後にデジタル模型を取得した。主要転帰は切歯凸凹指数と治療時間であった。副次的転帰は、歯列弓の幅、周囲長、長さ、大きさ、形状、切歯レベリング、切歯中歯顎角、プラーク指数、および白斑病変形成(国際齲蝕検知評価システム指数)であった。グループ間比較は、t検定またはHolm-Bonferroni補正を用いたMann-Whitney U検定を用いて評価した(P < 0.05)。
MATERIALS AND METHODS: The sample comprised 32 patients from 7 to 11 years of age randomly allocated into two parallel treatment groups: the clear aligners group, 14 patients (6 girls, 8 boys) with a mean initial age of 9.33 years (standard deviation [SD] = 1.01) treated with clear aligners; and the fixed appliances group, 13 patients (9 girls, 4 boys) with a mean initial age of 9.65 years (SD = 0.80) treated with partial (2 × 4) fixed appliances. Digital models were acquired before treatment and after appliance removal. Primary outcomes were incisor irregularity index and treatment time. Secondary outcomes were arch width, perimeter, length, size and shape, incisor leveling, incisor mesiodistal angulation, plaque index, and white spot lesion formation (International Caries Detection and Assessment System index). Intergroup comparisons were evaluated using t-tests or Mann-Whitney U-tests with Holm-Bonferroni correction (P < .05).
RESULTS: Treatment time was approximately 8 months in both groups. No intergroup differences were observed for changes in any of the variables. Similar posttreatment arch shapes were observed in both groups.
CONCLUSIONS: Clear aligners and 2 × 4 mechanics displayed similar efficacy and efficiency for maxillary incisor position corrections in the mixed dentition. The choice of appliance should be guided by clinician and family preference.