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Children (Basel).2021 Dec;8(12).


Hypomineralized Primary Teeth in Preterm Low Birth Weight Children and Its Association with Molar Incisor Hypomineralization-A 3-Year-Prospective Study.

PMID: 34943307


本研究は,早産低体重児(PT-LBW)の乳歯列におけるエナメル質の低石灰化(EH)の有病率と,同コホートにおける臼歯切歯の低石灰化(MIH)の発生率を評価し,PT-LBW,第二大臼歯の低石灰化,およびMIHの関連性を明らかにすることを目的とした。PT-LBWの研究対象者287名と対照の正常出生体重の正期産の被験者290名を対象に,36ヵ月間の追跡調査を行った。エナメル質の欠陥はベースラインで記録された。同じコホートで,3年後にEuropean Academy of Paediatric Dentistry(EAPD)の基準を用いてMIHの検査を行った。多変数ロジスティック回帰モデルを作成した。合計279名(48.4%)の小児が乳歯列期にEHを呈し,207名(35.9%)の小児がMIHを呈した。第二大臼歯が低石灰化していた小児は,MIHの頻度が2.13(R = 0.19, 95% CI = 0.98-4.19, = 0.005)倍であった.PT-LBWの子供は,小児感染症,出生前歴,第二大臼歯の低石灰化の有無を調整した後,MIHの発生頻度が3.02倍(R = 0.31,95%CI = 1.01-5.94,= 0.005)高かった。結論として,本研究では,PT-LVW,第二小臼歯の低石灰化,およびMIHの発生率に有意な関連性が認められた。

The present prospective study was conducted to assess the prevalence of enamel hypomineralization (EH) in primary dentition among preterm low birth weight (PT-LBW) children, incidence of molar incisor hypomineralization (MIH) in the same cohorts, and to determine associations between PT-LBW, hypomineralization in primary second molars, and MIH. A total of 287 PTLBW study subjects and 290 control full-term normal birth weight subjects were followed up for 36 months. Enamel defects were recorded at baseline. The same cohorts were examined after 3 years for MIH using the European Academy of Paediatric Dentistry (EAPD) criteria. Multiple variable logistic regression models were developed. A total of 279 children (48.4%) presented with EH in primary dentition and 207 (35.9%) children presented with MIH. Children with primary second molar hypomineralization had 2.13 (R = 0.19, 95% CI = 0.98-4.19, = 0.005) times higher frequency of MIH. Children with PT-LBW had 3.02 times (R = 0.31, 95% CI = 1.01-5.94, = 0.005) higher frequency of MIH incidence after adjusting for childhood infection, prenatal history, and presence of hypomineralized primary second molars. To conclude, the present study showed significant association between PT-LBW, hypomineralized second primary molars, and incidence of MIH.