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J Dent.2022 Feb;117:103922.


The influence of non-carious lesions in the surgical treatment of gingival recession: A systematic review & meta-analysis.

PMID: 34906618




BACKGROUND: The presence of a non-carious cervical lesion (NCCL) is a complicating factor for tooth coverage following gingival recession. It is generally associated with disappearance of the enamel-cementum junction, a key landmark, and a surface discrepancy requiring restoration or compensation using a connective tissue graft (CTG). The aim of this systematic review is to study the efficacy of periodontal plastic surgery on recession defects associated with a NCCL, with or without restorative treatment.


2020年4月までに発表されたNCCLを伴うMiller's class Iおよびclass IIの孤立性歯肉退縮を有する歯の歯根被覆を評価したRCTで、1群あたり10人以上の患者を対象とし、追跡期間が6ヶ月以上のものを電子データベースおよび手作業で検索した雑誌を対象とした。

MATERIALS AND METHODS: RCT assessing the root coverage of teeth with Miller's class I and class II isolated gingival recession with an NCCL published up to April 2020, with at least 10 patients per group and a follow-up longer than 6 months, were included through electronic databases and hand-searched journals.


最終的に7つの論文が含まれた。治療は体系的に、部分的または完全な修復治療±CTGと関連した冠状進行フラップで構成されていた。メタアナリシスの結果、NCCLを有する歯の場合、歯周形成処置は完全な歯根被覆という点では効果が低いことが示された。全体の平均Recession Reductionは2.00mm(CI: [1.72, 2.28])、全体の平均Complete Root Coverは5%(CI: [2,8])であった。

RESULTS: Seven articles were finally included. Treatment systematically consisted of a coronally advanced flap in association with partial or complete restorative treatment ± CTG. Meta-analyses showed that periodontal plastic procedures are less effective in terms of complete root coverage in cases of teeth with an NCCL. Overall Mean Recession Reduction was 2.00 mm (CI: [1.72, 2.28]), and overall mean complete root coverage was 5% (CI: [2,8]).



CONCLUSION: The presence of an NCCL is a complicating factor in plastic surgery. The use of CTG without NCCL restoration provides better outcomes except for the reduction of dental hypersensitivity for which the combined treatment (restoration + CTG) is the most effective.