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PLoS One.2021;16(9):e0258055.


Dental health assessed using panoramic radiograph and adverse events in chronic kidney disease stage 4-5 patients transitioning to dialysis and transplantation-A prospective cohort study.

PMID: 34591943



口腔衛生は、透析前治療から維持透析や移植に移行する慢性腎臓病(CKD)患者の有害事象の修正可能な危険因子となる可能性がある。我々は、ベースラインで維持透析を受けていないCKDステージ4~5の患者を対象に、X線写真で評価した口腔内の健康状態の指標であるPanoramic Tomographic Index(PTI)と、3年間の前向き追跡調査における心血管死亡率、全死亡率、主要有害心血管イベント(MACE)、菌血症のエピソードおよび臨床検査値との関連を調べることを目的とした。

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Oral health could potentially be a modifiable risk factor for adverse outcomes in chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients transitioning from predialysis treatment to maintenance dialysis and transplantation. We aimed to study the association between an index of radiographically assessed oral health, Panoramic Tomographic Index (PTI), and cardiovascular and all-cause mortality, major adverse cardiovascular events (MACEs) and episodes of bacteremia and laboratory measurements during a three-year prospective follow-up in CKD stage 4-5 patients not on maintenance dialysis at baseline.



METHODS: Altogether 190 CKD stage 4-5 patients without maintenance dialysis attended panoramic dental radiographs in the beginning of the study. The patients were followed up for three years or until death. MACEs and episodes of bacteremia were recorded during follow-up. Laboratory sampling for C-reactive protein and leukocytes was repeated tri-monthly.


PTIは、ベースラインの臨床検査値、CRPおよび白血球の反復測定値とは、3年間の追跡調査では関連がなかった。追跡期間中、22名の患者が少なくとも1回の菌血症を発症したが、そのうち口腔由来の菌血症と考えられたのは2名のみであった。PTIはフォローアップ期間中の菌血症の発生とは関連していなかった。フォローアップ期間中に36人の患者が死亡したが、そのうち17人は心血管疾患が原因であった。フォローアップ期間中に42人の患者がMACEを発症した。PTIは、年齢、腎移植やCKDの治療法で調整した多変量Coxモデルにおいて、全死亡(HR 1.074 95% CI 1.029-1.122, p = 0.001)、心血管死亡(HR 1.105, 95% CI 1.057-1.157, p<0.0001)、およびMACEの発生(HR 1.071 95% CI 1.031-1.113, p = 0.0004)と独立して関連していた。

RESULTS: PTI was not associated with baseline laboratory parameters or C-reactive protein or leukocytes examined as repeated measures through the 3-year follow-up. During follow-up, 22 patients had at least one episode of bacteremia, but only 2 of the bacteremias were considered to be of oral origin. PTI was not associated with incident bacteremia during follow-up. Thirty-six patients died during follow-up including 17 patients due to cardiovascular causes. During follow-up 42 patients were observed with a MACE. PTI was independently associated with all-cause (HR 1.074 95% CI 1.029-1.122, p = 0.001) and cardiovascular (HR 1.105, 95% CI 1.057-1.157, p<0.0001) mortality, as well as, incident MACEs (HR 1.071 95% CI 1.031-1.113, p = 0.0004) in the multivariable Cox models adjusted for age and kidney transplantation or CKD treatment modality during follow-up.



CONCLUSIONS: Radiographically assessed dental health is independently associated with all-cause and cardiovascular mortality and MACEs but not with the incidence of bacteremia in CKD stage 4-5 patients transitioning to maintenance dialysis and renal transplantation during follow-up.