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J Appl Oral Sci.2021;29:e20200998.


The effect of solution and gel forms of sodium hypochlorite on postoperative pain: a randomized clinical trial.

PMID: 34406315




OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of using gel and solution forms of NaOCI during the chemomechanical preparation of the root canals on postoperative pain at different time intervals.


下顎臼歯で症状のある不可逆性歯髄炎の患者114名を対象とした。全患者を、根管治療時に使用した灌流液に基づいて2群に分けた(n=57)。グループ1は5.25%NaOCI、グループ2は5.25%NaOCIジェル。すべてのグループにガッタパーチャとAH Plus root canal sealerをシングルコーン法で充填した。術後の痛みの評価にはVASスケール(1~10)を用いた。歯内療法後、すべての患者に、6時間目、24時間目、48時間目、72時間目、1週間後の術後疼痛レベルを記録してもらった。データは,Chi-Squared検定,Independent Samples T検定,Cochran Q検定,Friedman検定を用いて分析した。

METHODOLOGY: 114 patients with mandibular molar teeth and symptomatic irreversible pulpitis were included in the study. All patients were divided into two groups based on the irrigant used during root canal preparation (n=57): Group 1, 5.25% NaOCI, Group 2, 5.25% NaOCI gel. All groups were filled with gutta-percha and AH Plus root canal sealer using single-cone technique. VAS scale (1-10) was used for postoperative pain assessment. After endodontic treatment, all patients were asked to record their postoperative pain levels at the 6th, 24th, 48th, 72nd hours, and 1 week later. The data were analyzed using Chi-Squared, Independent Samples T, Cochran Q and Friedman tests.



RESULTS: Statistically significant difference was not found between the distributions of pain levels at different times according to the groups (p>0.050). A statistically significant difference was observed between the distributions of pain levels measured at different times in the solution group (p<0.001). A statistically significant difference was found between the distributions of pain levels measured at different times in the gel group (p<0.001). In both groups, highest postoperative pain levels occurred in the first 6 hours. Pain levels of the gel group as 38,5% mild, 17.3% moderate, 5.8% severe and pain levels of the solution group were obtained as 46.2% mild, 26.9% moderate, 9.6% severe at the 6th hour.



CONCLUSIONS: The use of the gel form of NaOCI during the chemomechanical preparation of the root canals showed similar postoperative pain when compared to the solution form.