Effect of Root Canal Therapy on the Success Rate of Teeth with Complete Roots in Autogenous Tooth Transplantation.
PMID: 33936357
自家歯牙移植は、欠損した歯を修復するための確実な方法である。しかし,根管治療(RCT)の長期的な有効性は十分に確認されていない.本研究は,自家歯牙移植において,RCT が完全歯根の歯の成功率に良い影響を与えるかどうかを明らかにすることを 目的とする.
BACKGROUND: Autogenous tooth transplantation is a reliable method for repairing missing teeth. Although it recently became a recognized and feasible treatment method in dentistry, the long-term efficacy of root canal therapy (RCT) has not been well confirmed. This study is aimed at determining whether RCT has a good effect on the success rate of teeth with complete roots in autogenous tooth transplantation.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Data were collected from the Korea University Guro Hospital. Data of patients who underwent autogenous tooth transplantation within 9 years were collected. We selected 29 teeth with complete roots as the research subjects in our study. None of the patients had any systemic diseases. All cases in this study were obtained with patient permission.
歯の活力テストによると、自家歯は歯髄テストと機能テストで陰性であった。自家歯移植を行った29本のうち9本はRCTを行い、観察期間中生存していた。しかし,20本の自家歯はRCTを行わず,そのうちの8本は生存しなかった.すべての統計解析はIBM SPSS 20.0を用いて行った。帰無仮説は棄却された(< 0.05)。
RESULTS: According to the tooth vitality test, the autogenous teeth tested negative in dental pulp test and function. Nine of the 29 teeth with autogenous tooth transplantation were treated with RCT and survived throughout the observation period. However, 20 autogenous teeth were not treated with RCT, and eight of them did not survive. All statistical analyses were performed using IBM SPSS 20.0. The null hypothesis was rejected ( < 0.05).
CONCLUSION: For complete root teeth, the success rate after autogenous tooth transplantation after RCT is higher than that of teeth not treated with RCT.