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Spec Care Dentist.2021 Apr;doi: 10.1111/scd.12597.Epub 2021-04-14.


Evaluation of antibacterial efficacy of Triphala toothwipes on oral Streptococcus mutans count in intellectually disabled children.

  • Meghana Ajay Deshpande
  • Sudhindra Baliga
  • Nilima Thosar
  • Nilesh Rathi
  • Shriramji Jyothishi
  • Pranjali Vilas Deulkar
  • Sphurti Pramod Bane
PMID: 33852738 DOI: 10.1111/scd.12597.



知的障害児の口腔内のStreptococcus mutans数に対するTriphala歯磨きの抗菌効果を評価する。

AIM: To evaluate antibacterial efficacy of Triphala toothwipes on oral Streptococcus mutans counts in intellectually disabled (ID) children.


軽度の知的障害児27名を無作為に2つのグループに分けた。A-トリファラ群、B-プラセボ群。それぞれのグループに属する子どもの介護者に歯磨き粉を渡し、1日2回、7日間、食後1時間後に使用するように指示した。ベースライン時、48時間後、7日間後に、Simplified Plaque Indexを記録し、歯垢サンプルを採取して微生物学的検査を行った。得られたデータは表にまとめ、分析した。

METHODS: Twenty-seven children with a mild ID were randomly divided into two groups: A - Triphala and B - placebo group. Toothwipes were given to caregivers of children belonging to the respective groups, and were instructed to use them 1 h after their meals, twice a day for 7 days. Simplified Plaque index was recorded and plaque samples were collected for microbiological examination at baseline, 48 h, and 7 days. The obtained data were tabulated and analyzed.


トリファラグループは、48 時間後と 7 日間後に、S. mutans の統計的に有意な減少を示した。トリファラとプラセボの両グループは、48時間後と7日後に歯垢の統計的に有意な減少を示した。

RESULTS: Triphala group showed a statistically significant reduction of S. mutans after 48 h and 7 days. Both Triphala and placebo groups showed a statistically significant reduction in dental plaque after 48 h and 7 days.



CONCLUSION: Triphala toothwipes are effective against the oral S. mutans compared with placebo toothwipes, while both the toothwipes are equally effective in reducing dental plaque. Thus, Triphala toothwipes can be used as an adjunct aid along with routine oral hygiene practices in individuals who lack psychomotor skills or are dependent on others to maintain oral hygiene, including infants, preschoolers, geriatric population, and children with special health care needs.

© 2021 Special Care Dentistry Association and Wiley Periodicals LLC.