The Effect of Residual Dentition on the Dynamic Adjustment of Wear Facet Morphology on a Mandibular First Molar Crown.
PMID: 33210775 DOI: 10.1111/jopr.13290.
PURPOSE: To evaluate the effect of different residual dentitions on the dynamic adjustment of wear facet morphology on a single mandibular first molar crown with a virtual articulator.
天然歯列の石膏模型(N = 12)を咬合器に装着し,スキャンした.下顎右第一大臼歯(#46)を作製し,その前の歯のコピーを用意してクラウンの設計に用いた。元の46番の摩耗面を選択し、ハイポイントを生成するために咬合方向に0.3mm上昇させました。ハイポイントのある46番を分割し、デジタルワックスパターンを作成しました。その後、異なる歯を仮想的に除去し、4種類の残存歯列を作成しました。タイプI(歯がない)、タイプII(隣接する歯)、タイプIII(同側の後歯と犬歯)、タイプIV(すべての歯)の4種類の残存歯列を生成した。バーチャル咬合器の下顎の動きをガイドするために,異なる残存歯を用いて歯冠を動的に調整した.オリジナルの#46のクラウンとウェアファセットの間の3次元的な偏差、負と正のボリュームを分析した。結果の分析にはKruskal-Wallis検定を用いた。
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Gypsum casts (N = 12) of natural full dentitions were mounted on an articulator and scanned. The mandibular right first molar (#46) was prepared and a copy of the tooth before it was prepared and used to design the crown. The wear facets on the original #46 were selected and elevated by 0.3 mm in the occlusal direction to generate high points. The #46 with high points was segmented to create a digital wax pattern. Then different teeth were virtually removed to generate 4 types of residual dentitions: Type I (no teeth), Type II (adjacent teeth), Type III (ipsilateral posterior teeth and canine), and Type IV (all teeth). The crowns were adjusted dynamically with different residual teeth to guide mandibular movement of the virtual articulator. Three-dimensional deviations, negative and positive volumes between crowns and wear facets on the original #46 were analyzed. The Kruskal-Wallis test was used to analyze the results.
残存歯数の減少に伴い、平均偏差値と正の体積は減少し、負の体積は逆の傾向を示した。平均偏差値,二乗平均値,正の体積には有意な差はなかった.Type Iの歯冠の負の体積はType IVのそれとは異なっていた(p = 0.031)。
RESULTS: The mean deviation values and positive volumes decreased with the decrease in residual teeth, and the negative volumes showed an opposite trend. The mean deviation values, root mean square, and positive volumes were not significantly different. The negative volume of the crowns of Type I was different from that of Type IV (p = 0.031).
CONCLUSIONS: Residual dentition affects the dynamic adjustment of wear facet morphology. When there are insufficient residual teeth, mandibular movements should be accurately measured.
© 2020 by the American College of Prosthodontists.