Three-dimensional analysis of dimensional changes after alveolar ridge preservation with bone substitutes or plasma rich in growth factors: Randomized and controlled clinical trial.
PMID: 33084205 DOI: 10.1111/cid.12950.
OBJECTIVES: To evaluate alveolar ridge dimensional changes of different alveolar ridge preservation techniques after 3 months of tooth extraction and to compare the efficacy of autologous plasma rich in growth factor (PRGF) to the bone substitutes in alveolar ridge preservation and sites left to heal spontaneously.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Forty patients requiring tooth extraction in the anterior maxilla were randomly allocated to the four following treatment modalities: spontaneous healing (control), natural bovine bone mineral covered with resorbable native collagen membrane (BBM/CM), freeze-dried bone allograft covered with resorbable native collagen membrane (FDBA/CM) and PRGF alone. Cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) scans were taken after surgery and 3 months later. The measurements of height and width (at 1, 3, and 5 mm below the crest) were performed after superimposing the 2 consecutive CBCT scans.
対照群では骨頂から1mmの位置で水平方向の歯槽骨吸収が最大であった(-1.61±1.76mm, P = 0.037)が、BBM/CM群では幅の減少が最小であった(-0.68±0.67mm, P = 0.037)。歯槽骨の高さの減少が最も顕著だったのはコントロール群(-0.86±0.43mm)であったが、BBMC/CM(-0.26±0.91mm)とPRGF(-0.54±0.86mm)による歯槽骨のリッジプリザベーションは、コントロール群に比べて歯槽骨の高さの減少を抑えることに成功した。
RESULTS: The greatest horizontal alveolar bone resorption at 1 mm below bone crest was observed in the control group (-1.61 ± 1.76 mm, P = .037), whereas the least reduction in width was found in the BBM/CM group (-0.68 ± 0.67 mm, P = .037). The most pronounced alveolar height reduction was observed in the control group (-0.86 ± 0.43 mm), whereas alveolar ridge preservation with BBMC/CM (-0.26 ± 0.91 mm) and PRGF (-0.54 ± 0.86 mm) successfully reduced the alveolar height reduction as compared to the control group.
CONCLUSIONS: Alveolar ridge preservation technique in the esthetic zone using BBM/CM or using PRGF is beneficial to reduce horizontal and vertical bone changes.
© 2020 Wiley Periodicals LLC.