Comparison of oral micro-flora in caries active and caries free Indian children using culture techniques and PCR analysis.
PMID: 32769277 DOI: 10.4103/ijdr.IJDR_39_19.
Background and Aims: Although Streptococcus mutans has been implicated as the major etiologic agent in the development of dental caries, however, this organism has not been found to be present in all children with caries. Thus it remains to be elucidated whether a single or specific consortium of bacteria is responsible for the caries process. The aim of this study is to evaluate the oral microflora of Indian children suffering from dental caries and to compare the same in children with no caries.
本研究は、小児歯科診療科に通院している2~14歳の外来児67名を対象に実施した。う蝕活動期の小児(n = 35)の表層および深層のう蝕病変および無歯面の歯垢サンプルを無菌ショベルを用いて保存用バイアルに採取し、様々な従来技術および分子微生物学的手法を用いて行った。う蝕病変のない無齲蝕児(n = 32)をコントロールとした。得られたデータをピアソンのカイ・スクエア/フィッシャーのエグザクト検定にかけ、グループ間の微生物叢の統計的差異を決定した。
Methods: The study was carried out on 67 out-patient 2-14 years old children who reported to the department of Paediatric Dentistry. Dental plaque samples from superficial and deep carious lesions and caries free surfaces in caries active children (n = 35) were collected using a sterile excavator in storage vials and subjected to various conventional and molecular microbial techniques. Caries free children (n = 32), who did not have any carious lesion served as controls. The data obtained was subjected to Pearson's Chi Square/Fischer's Exact tests to determine the statistical difference between the microflora of groups.
主な分離菌は以下の通りであった。溶連菌種は主にS anginosus, S salivarius, S gordonii.Lactobacilli spp; Coagulase negative Staphylococci, Staph epidermididis, Staph aureus.その他、Klebsiella spp、Acinetobacter、Enterococcus、大腸菌なども認められた。非ミュータンス連鎖球菌種(P = 0.008)と乳酸菌種(P = 0.0001)の分離頻度には、両群間で統計的な差があった。
Results: Main organisms isolated were: Streptococcal species mainly S anginosus, S salivarius, S gordonii: Lactobacilli spp; Coagulase negative Staphylococci, Staph epidermidis, Staph aureus. Other organisms such as Klebsiella spp, Acinetobacter, Enterococcus, E coli could also be found. There was a statistical difference in the frequency of isolation of non-mutans Streptococcal species (P = 0.008) and Lactobacilli species (P = 0.0001) in the two groups.
本研究では、この集団の小児における齲蝕活動は、検出可能なS mutansを伴わない多様な微生物叢と関連していることが示唆された。この集団におけるう蝕に関連する主な生物は以下の通りである。グラム陽性の球菌と桿菌、主に非ミュータンス菌であるストレプトコッカスと乳酸菌である。糖分を含む食品を頻繁に摂取することは、う蝕菌の存在と増殖を促進する。
Conclusions: The study suggests that caries activity in this population of children is associated with a diverse microbial flora without detectable S mutans. Main organisms associated with dental caries in this population are: Gram-positive cocci and bacilli mainly the non-mutans Streptococcus and Lactobacilli. Frequent consumption of sugar containing food promotes the presence and growth of cariogenic organisms.