歯科インプラント周囲の角化粘膜を増加させるためのAcellular Dermal Matrixをタッキングする修正テクニックは、フリー歯肉グラフトの代替となる。症例報告
A Modified Technique of Tacking Acellular Dermal Matrix to Increase Keratinized Mucosa Around Dental Implants as an Alternative to a Free Gingival Graft: A Case Report.
PMID: 32692900
角化粘膜(KM)と前庭部深度を増加させるためのゴールドスタンダードとして、自家移植(free autogenous graft)が使用されていた。この術式の大きな欠点は、ドナー部位の術後の病的状態である。この症例報告の目的は、インプラント周囲のKMを増加させるためにアセラー皮膚マトリックス(ADM)を使用した修正テクニックを実証し、術後の病的状態を軽減して治癒を早めることにあります。
INTRODUCTION: Free autogenous graft was the gold standard to increase the keratinized mucosa (KM) and vestibular depth. The major downfall of this technique is the postoperative morbidity at the donor site. The purpose of this case report is to demonstrate a modified technique using acellular dermal matrix (ADM) to increase the KM around implants to achieve faster healing with less postoperative morbidity.
CASE PRESENTATION: Patient presented with inadequate keratinized tissue band and shallow vestibule at submerged implant sites bilaterally. Initially, surgical procedure of vestibuloplasty in conjunction with free gingival graft (FGG) was performed at one side. However, patient opted for the allograft as a substitute for the other side due to the postoperative discomfort from palatal donor site. On the left side, the FGG procedure was performed in a conventional way stabilizing with sutures. On the right side, the ADM was stabilized with tacks only at recipient site and left exposed. The new vestibule was established and stabilized with tacks. A significant gain of KM and vestibule depth was observed at the site of using ADM when compared with baseline. For the site of using FGG, KM was increased. However, the vestibule was rebounded compared with the site of using ADM with tacks.
CONCLUSIONS: The use of ADM stabilized with tacks is a predictable procedure that can increase KM and establish stable vestibule around dental implants. It can lead to less chair time, faster healing, and reduced postoperative morbidity compared with autogenous soft tissue graft.