栄養学から医学へ。Solanum melongena L.の痔治療活性をin vivo実験モデルと主要化学物質を介して評価する
From Nutrition to Medicine: Assessing hemorrhoid healing activity of Solanum melongena L. via in vivo experimental models and its major chemicals.
PMID: 32687958 DOI: 10.1016/j.jep.2020.113143.
Solanum melongena L. (ナス)は、伝統医学(トルコ、中国、インド)では、リウマチ、ベリベリ、かゆみ、歯痛、出血、喘息、気管支炎、コレラ、神経痛、痔などの治療に用いられています。これらの病気からくる痔は世界共通の病気であり、民族植物学をはじめとする様々なアプローチで治療されています。
ETHNOPHARMACOLOGICAL RELEVANCE: Solanum melongena L. (eggplant) is used for treatment of rheumatism, beriberi, itching, toothache, bleeding, asthma, bronchitis, cholera, neuralgia and hemorrhoids in traditional medicine (Turkish, Chinese, and Indian). Hemorrhoids from these diseases, are common illness in all over the world, which are treated with various approaches including ethnobotanicals.
AIM OF THE STUDY: This study aimed to evaluate the anti-hemorrhoidal activity of eggplant, an edible plant, which is commonly utilized around the world.
ナスから調製したメタノール抽出物のin vivoでの抗痔核活性を痔核モデルを用いて評価し、その後、組織学的、生化学的解析を行った。ナスから調製したメタノール抽出物をラットの肛門部に塗布することにより誘導された痔核を、組織学的、生化学的解析により評価した。さらに、酢酸による毛細血管透過性の上昇を抑制することに基づく抗炎症活性をスクリーニングした。治癒能については、基準となるPilex®錠剤およびクリームを用いて比較評価しました。HPLCによって行われたファイトケミカル分析。HPLC法を用いて抽出物中の主要フェノール化合物(クロロゲン酸)の量を調べました。
MATERIALS & METHODS: In vivo anti-hemorrhoidal activity of the methanolic extract prepared from eggplant was evaluated by experimental hemorrhoid model, subsequently histological and biochemical analysis. Hemorrhoid, which was induced by applying croton oil to the anal area of the rats. Furthermore, the extract was screened for anti-inflammatory activity which is based on the inhibition of acetic acid-induced increase in capillary permeability. The healing potential was comparatively assessed with a reference Pilex® tablet and cream. Phytochemical analysis performed by HPLC. The amount of the major phenolic compound (chlorogenic acid) in extract was found by using HPLC method.
RESULTS: Histological and biochemical analysis demonstrated that eggplant extract is highly effective against hemorrhoid in comparison to the controls and the commercial preparation. In addition, the methanolic extract demonstrated significant inhibitory effect on acetic acid-induced increase in capillary permeability. The phytochemical studies identified major compound as chlorogenic acid (2.86 %) by liquid chromatography.
CONCLUSION: The eggplant calyxes, not edible, are easy to reach, by products/vast from the food sources. This is the first scientific evidence revealing that the eggplant extract has significant anti-hemorrhoidal and anti-inflammatory activity.
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