エドキサバン北斎VTE PEDIATRICS試験。小児静脈血栓塞栓症に対するエドキサバンの非盲検多施設無作為化試験
The Edoxaban Hokusai VTE PEDIATRICS Study: An open-label, multicenter, randomized study of edoxaban for pediatric venous thromboembolic disease.
PMID: 32685899 PMCID: PMC7354398. DOI: 10.1002/rth2.12352.
Background: Little evidence is available for treatment of pediatric venous thromboembolism (VTE). Large randomized controlled trials are challenging in children. Current antithrombotic agents have many limitations, including nonoral administration and frequent monitoring. Edoxaban is an oral direct inhibitor of factor Xa without need of monitoring. In adults with VTE, edoxaban has shown to be effective and safe.
エドキサバン北斎VTE PEDIATRICS試験は、エドキサバンの薬物動態(PK)および薬力学(PD)を評価し、小児VTE治療においてエドキサバンが標準治療に劣らないかどうかを評価する非盲検無作為化臨床試験です。
Objectives: The Edoxaban Hokusai VTE PEDIATRICS Study is an open-label, randomized clinical trial to evaluate pharmacokinetics (PK) and pharmacodynamics (PD) of edoxaban and whether edoxaban is noninferior to standard of care in treatment of pediatric VTE.
Methods: A goal of 274 patients will be recruited in 5 age categories. A multidose PK/PD assessment on day 5 in the first 12 patients of each age group is incorporated into this study. The primary composite efficacy outcome comprises symptomatic recurrent VTE, death due to VTE, and no change or extension of thrombotic burden. The principal safety end point is a combination of major and clinically relevant nonmajor bleeding. PK end points include apparent systemic clearance and volume of distribution of edoxaban. PD end points include prothrombin time, activated partial thromboplastin time, and anti-factor Xa level for the edoxaban treatment arm.
Results: To increase feasibility, the multidose PK/PD study is integrated in the phase 3 trial. In addition, thrombotic burden, which is a prognostic factor for post thrombotic syndrome in children, is one of the components of the primary composite efficacy outcome.
Conclusion: This study will increase the level of evidence for treatment in pediatric VTE.
© 2020 The Authors. Research and Practice in Thrombosis and Haemostasis published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis.