Characterization of Geriatric Dysphagia Diagnoses in Age-Based Cohorts.
PMID: 32685871 PMCID: PMC7346702. DOI: 10.1177/2473974X20939543.
Objective: An aging population requires increased focus on geriatric otolaryngology. Patients aged ≥65 years are not a homogenous population, and important physiologic differences have been documented among the young-old (65-74 years), middle-old (75-84), and old-old (≥85). We aim to analyze differences in dysphagia diagnoses and swallowing-related quality-of-life among these age subgroups.
Study Design: Retrospective chart review.
Setting: Tertiary care laryngology clinic.
2015年4月から2017年3月までの間にジョンズ・ホプキンス・ボイスセンターに来院した65歳以上の新規患者全員の主訴、診断、および自己申告による嚥下障害(Eating Assessment Tool [EAT-10]スコア)を同定した。嚥下障害の診断は、生理学的病因と解剖学的原因によって分類された。診断カテゴリーとEAT-10スコアは患者の年齢と性別の関数として評価した。
Subjects and Methods: We identified chief complaint, diagnosis, and self-reported swallowing handicap (Eating Assessment Tool [EAT-10] score) of all new patients aged ≥65 years presenting to the Johns Hopkins Voice Center between April 2015 and March 2017. Dysphagia diagnoses were classified by physiologic etiology and anatomic source. Diagnostic categories and EAT-10 score were evaluated as functions of patient age and sex.
65歳以上の新患839人のうち、109人(13.0%)が嚥下障害の主訴を報告し、本研究に含まれた。最も一般的な嚥下障害の病因は、神経性および食道性であった。最も多かった診断は、憩室(15.6%)、逆流(13.8%)、放射線誘発(8.3%)であった。憩室、上咽頭過緊張、放射線誘発性変化は、EAT-10スコアの上昇と関連していた(< 0.001)。嚥下障害の解剖学的原因には性差が認められ、男性は口咽頭疾患、女性は食道疾患を呈する可能性が高く(= 0.023)、男性と女性ではそれぞれ有意差が認められた。嚥下障害の病因とEAT-10スコアは年齢サブグループ間で類似していた。
Results: Of 839 new patients aged ≥65 years, 109 (13.0%) reported a chief complaint of dysphagia and were included in this study. The most common dysphagia etiologies were neurologic and esophageal. Most common diagnoses were diverticula (15.6%), reflux (13.8%), and radiation induced (8.3%). Diverticula, cricopharyngeal hypertonicity, and radiation-induced changes were associated with higher EAT-10 score ( < .001). Significant differences by sex were found in anatomic source of dysphagia, as men and women were more likely to present with oropharyngeal and esophageal disease, respectively ( = .023). Dysphagia etiology and EAT-10 score were similar across age subgroups.
65 歳以上の患者では、嚥下障害の診断と EAT-10 スコアに重要な違いがある。これらの違いについての知識は、老年耳鼻咽喉科における診断作業、管理、およびさらなる調査に役立つかもしれない。
Conclusion: Important differences among dysphagia diagnosis and EAT-10 score exist among patients aged ≥65 years. Knowledge of these differences may inform diagnostic workup, management, and further investigations in geriatric otolaryngology.
© The Authors 2020.