The impact on functioning of second-generation antipsychotic medication side effects for patients with schizophrenia: a worldwide, cross-sectional, web-based survey.
PMID: 32684942 PMCID: PMC7359579. DOI: 10.1186/s12991-020-00292-5.
Background: It is well established that the different antipsychotics used for schizophrenia symptoms differ substantially in their side effects. However, relatively little is known about the impact of these side effects on functioning from the patient's perspective. We aimed to understand how key side effects of second-generation antipsychotics impact the functioning and quality of life (QoL) of patients with schizophrenia.
本調査は、統合失調症の成人患者における抗精神病薬の副作用負担について、患者が報告した副作用負担をウェブベースで横断的に調査したものである。調査は米国、カナダ、オーストラリア、スペイン、イタリア、ノルウェー、デンマークで実施された。調査は、社会統計学的および臨床的質問、QOL(Quality of Life Enjoyment and Satisfaction Questionnaire Short Form)(Q-LES-Q-SF)、Glasgow Antipsychotic Side-Effect Scale(GASS)から構成されている。あらかじめ定義された8つの副作用(「手や腕の震え」、「落ち着きのなさ」、「睡眠困難」)、副作用(「日中眠い」、「薬漬けにされているかゾンビのような気分」、「めまい・失神」)、または副作用(「セックスを楽しむことに問題がある」、「体重増加」)に分類され、機能や生活の質への影響に関する質問が追加されました。
Methods: This is a cross-sectional, web-based survey of patient-reported side effect burden of antipsychotic drugs in adults with schizophrenia. The survey was deployed in the United States, Canada, Australia, Spain, Italy, Norway, and Denmark. It included sociodemographic and clinical questions, the Quality of Life Enjoyment and Satisfaction Questionnaire Short Form (Q-LES-Q-SF), and the Glasgow Antipsychotic Side-Effect Scale (GASS). Eight pre-defined side effects classified as ("Shaky hands or arms," "Restlessness," and "Difficulty sleeping"), ("Sleepy during the day", "Feeling drugged or like a zombie," and "Feeling dizzy/Fainted") or side effects ("Problems enjoying sex" and "Gaining weight"), and additional questions related to impacts on function and quality of life were asked.
Results: In total, 435 participants (mean age: 38 years, 53.8% female) were included. The total Q-LES-Q-SF score indicated overall medium satisfaction with their quality of life (score of 44.3; possible range 14-70). The most prevalent side effects were "Sleepy during the day" (83.2%), "Difficulty sleeping" (74.7%), "Dry mouth" (63.9%), "Problems enjoying sex" (53.4%) and "Gaining weight" (52.4%). Women reported the side effects of "Sleepy during the day", "Problems enjoying sex" and "Gaining weight" more frequently than men. Key side effects impacted physical, social, occupational and psychological aspects of functioning. Patients with key side effects often felt frustrated by their experiences. Total Q-LES-Q-SF score showed a significant inverse correlation with the score of pre-defined groups of side effects indicating worse QoL in association with more severe key side effects in these patients.
Conclusion: Stable patients with schizophrenia taking second-generation antipsychotics live with many side effects, including activating and sedating side effects, sexual side effects, and weight gain. Presence of these side effects is associated with substantial impacts across all aspects of daily functioning and lower quality of life and satisfaction.
© The Author(s) 2020.