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Brain Behav.2020 Jul;:e01759. doi: 10.1002/brb3.1759.Epub 2020-07-18.


Age-related functional brain connectivity during audio-visual hand-held tool recognition.

  • Yanna Ren
  • Ao Guo
  • Zhihan Xu
  • Tao Wang
  • Rui Wu
  • Weiping Yang
PMID: 32683799 DOI: 10.1002/brb3.1759.




INTRODUCTION: Previous studies have confirmed increased functional connectivity in elderly adults during processing of simple audio-visual stimuli; however, it is unclear whether elderly adults maximize their performance by strengthening their functional brain connectivity when processing dynamic audio-visual hand-held tool stimuli. The present study aimed to explore this question using global functional connectivity.



METHODS: Twenty-one healthy elderly adults and 21 healthy younger adults were recruited to conduct a dynamic hand-held tool recognition task with high/low-intensity stimuli.


高齢者では、高強度刺激(3.5対2.7)と低強度刺激(3.0対1.2)の両方で高い曲線下面積を示し、視聴覚統合能力が高いことを示したが、高齢者では高強度刺激(390~690ms対360~560ms)と低強度刺激(460~690ms対430~500ms)の両方で、視聴覚統合の窓が遅れて広がっていた。また、高齢者では、高強度刺激と低強度刺激の両方の条件で、若年者に比べて、聴覚刺激を処理する際に、ガンマ帯の機能的接続性を除いて、シータ帯の機能的接続性が高い(すべてのp < 0.01)が、アルファ帯、ベータ帯、ガンマ帯の機能的接続性が低い(すべてのp < 0.05)ことが示された。さらに、聴覚・視覚刺激と高強度刺激では、低強度刺激よりも聴覚・視覚刺激の方がシータ帯およびα帯の機能的接続性が高いことが明らかになった。

RESULTS: Elderly adults exhibited higher areas under the curve for both the high-intensity (3.5 versus. 2.7) and low-intensity (3.0 versus. 1.2) stimuli, indicating a higher audio-visual integration ability, but a delayed and widened audio-visual integration window for elderly adults for both the high-intensity (390 - 690 ms versus. 360 - 560 ms) and low-intensity (460 - 690 ms versus. 430 - 500 ms) stimuli. Additionally, elderly adults exhibited higher theta-band (all p < .01) but lower alpha-, beta-, and gamma-band functional connectivity (all p < .05) than younger adults under both the high- and low-intensity-stimulus conditions when processing audio-visual stimuli, except for gamma-band functional connectivity under the high-intensity-stimulus condition. Furthermore, higher theta- and alpha-band functional connectivity were observed for the audio-visual stimuli than for the auditory and visual stimuli and under the high-intensity-stimulus condition than under the low-intensity-stimulus condition.



CONCLUSION: The higher theta-band functional connectivity in elderly adults was mainly due to higher attention allocation. The results further suggested that in the case of sensory processing, theta, alpha, beta, and gamma activity might participate in different stages of perception.

© 2020 The Authors. Brain and Behaviour published by Wiley Periodicals LLC.