Experiences of American Older Adults with Pre-existing Depression During the Beginnings of the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Multicity, Mixed-Methods Study.
PMID: 32682619 PMCID: PMC7305766. DOI: 10.1016/j.jagp.2020.06.013.
OBJECTIVE: To determine the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health of older adults with pre-existing major depressive disorder (MDD).
参加者は、ロサンゼルス、ニューヨーク、ピッツバーグ、セントルイスに住む、MDDの既往歴のある73人の高齢者(平均年齢69歳[SD 6])であった。
PARTICIPANTS: Participants were 73 community-living older adults with pre-existing MDD (mean age 69 [SD 6]) in Los Angeles, New York, Pittsburgh, and St Louis.
DESIGN AND MEASUREMENTS: During the first 2 months of the pandemic, the authors interviewed participants with a semistructured qualitative interview evaluating access to care, mental health, quality of life, and coping. The authors also assessed depression, anxiety, and suicidality with validated scales and compared scores before and during the pandemic.
インタビューからの5つのテーマは、MDDを持つ高齢者の経験を強調している:1) 彼らは孤立のリスクよりも、ウイルスに感染するリスクをより気にしている。2) 高齢者は、物理的な距離を置くことによるストレスや孤立に対して回復力を示している。3) ほとんどの人は社会的に孤立しておらず、友人や家族と仮想的に接触しています。4) 彼らの生活の質は低下しており、物理的な距離を置き続けると精神的な健康が損なわれるのではないかと心配しています。5) 彼らは、パンデミックに対する政府の不十分な対応に憤慨している。うつ病、不安、自殺念慮の症状のスコアは、パンデミック前のスコアと差はありませんでした。
RESULTS: Five themes from the interviews highlight the experience of older adults with MDD: 1) They are more concerned about the risk of contracting the virus than the risks of isolation. 2) They exhibit resilience to the stress and isolation of physical distancing. 3) Most are not isolated socially, with virtual contact with friends and family. 4) Their quality of life is lower, and they worry their mental health will suffer with continued physical distancing. 5) They are outraged by an inadequate governmental response to the pandemic. Depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation symptom scores did not differ from scores before the pandemic.
CONCLUSION: Most older adults with pre-existing MDD show resilience in the first 2 months of the COVID-19 pandemic but have concerns about the future. Policies and interventions to provide access to medical services and opportunities for social interaction are needed to help to maintain mental health and quality of life as the pandemic continues.
Copyright © 2020 American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.