Facile fabrication of solution-processed solid-electrolytes for high-energy-density all-solid-state-batteries by enhanced interfacial contact.
PMID: 32681025 PMCID: PMC7367834. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-68885-4.
有機液体電解質を用いた市販のリチウムイオン電池(LIB)に代わり,安全性の向上や大容量化が期待される固体電解質(SE)を用いた全固体リチウムイオン電池(ASSB)は,高エネルギー密度電力用途や電気自動車への応用が期待されている.固体電解質の進歩は目覚ましく、現在では液体電解質に匹敵する高いイオン伝導度を実現していますが、従来のASSBの製造プロセスではスラリープロセスが一般的であり、硫化物材料と極性溶媒との間で有害な反応が発生することが避けられませんでした。ここでは、従来の複合材料LIB電極(NCM622)へのSEスラリーの効率的な浸透プロセスを検討し、スケーラブルな溶液法による高エネルギー密度ASSBを実現した。SE材料を均一に分散させ、LIB電極の多孔質構造に十分に浸透させるために、2つの方法が提案されている。本研究では、LPSClのSE溶液をより高い処理温度で効果的に電極に浸透させた後、エタノール溶媒の沸点以上の温度に最適化することで、溶媒気化時の対流によるSE分子の動的運動を抑制した。さらに、異なる粒径の活物質を混合した多孔質LIB複合電極は、キャピラリー孔を形成し、充填することで高い電極密度を実現した。この戦略を用いたLPSCl SEを注入したNCM622電極は、ASSBの初期放電容量を177mAh/gと高い値にまで著しく向上させることができた。また、これらのASSBは高負荷時(約17mg/cm)においても優れた性能を示し、従来の液状電解質を用いたLIBとの競争力を示した。
Instead of commercial lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) using organic liquid electrolytes, all-solid-state lithium-ion batteries (ASSBs) employing solid electrolytes (SEs) are promising for applications in high-energy-density power applications and electric vehicles due to their potential for improving safety and achieving high capacity. Although remarkable progress in SEs has been achieved and has resulted in high ionic conductivity, which now reaches values comparable to those of liquid electrolytes, the typical use of a slurry process for the fabrication of conventional ASSBs inevitably causes harmful reactions between sulfide materials and polar solvents. Here, we studied the efficient infiltration process of SE slurry into conventional composite LIB electrodes (NCM622) for achieving high-energy-density ASSBs via a scalable solution-based fabrication process. Two methods are proposed to ensure that SE materials are evenly distributed and sufficiently infiltrated into the porous structures of LIB electrodes. The LPSCl SE solutions were effectively infiltrated into the electrodes at higher processing temperatures and the temperature was subsequently optimized at above the boiling point of the ethanol solvent due to the dynamic motion of SE molecules via a convective flow during solvent vaporization. Moreover, the porous LIB composite electrodes with a mixture of active materials of different particle sizes formed and filled capillary pores resulting in a high electrode density. The LPSCl SE-infiltrated NCM622 electrodes that used this strategy could remarkably improve the initial discharge capacity of ASSBs to as high as 177 mAh/g. These ASSBs also showed excellent performance even at high loading values (about 17 mg/cm), making them competitive with LIBs using conventional liquid electrolytes.