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Ann Am Thorac Soc.2020 Jul;doi: 10.1513/AnnalsATS.202003-204OC.Epub 2020-07-17.


Clinical Outcomes Associated with Complex Infection in Patients with Cystic Fibrosis.

  • Ranjani Somayaji
  • Yvonne C W Yau
  • Elizabeth Tullis
  • John J LiPuma
  • Felix Ratjen
  • Valerie Waters
PMID: 32678679 DOI: 10.1513/AnnalsATS.202003-204OC.



現代の CF コホートでは、新たな Burkholderia 種の感染後の転帰についてはほとんど知られていない。

RATIONALE: Little is known in contemporary CF cohorts about the outcomes following new Burkholderia species infections.



OBJECTIVES: Evaluate the changing epidemiology and clinical outcomes associated with Burkholderia species infections in persons with cystic fibrosis.


カナダのトロントで1997年から2018年にかけて、CFを有する小児および成人を対象としたコホート研究が実施された。患者は、Burkholderia種感染の既往歴がなく、この期間に初めてBurkholderia spp.の培養陽性となった患者を、種(B. gladioli、B. cenocepacia、B. multivorans、またはその他)と菌株(B. cenocepacia ET-12)で分類して特徴づけた。死亡または移植のリスクを推定するためにCoxモデルを用いた。混合効果モデルを用いて、肺増悪のオッズ(PEx)および肺機能への影響(FEV1%予測値)に対するBurkholderia種の影響を評価した。

METHODS: A cohort study of children and adults with CF was conducted from 1997 - 2018 in Toronto, Canada. Patients were characterised as having no history of Burkholderia species infection and those who were culture-positive for Burkholderia spp. for the first time in this time frame, categorized by species (B. gladioli, B. cenocepacia, B. multivorans or other) and strain (B. cenocepacia ET-12). Cox models were used to estimate risk of death or transplantation. Mixed effects models were used to assess impact of Burkholderia species on odds of pulmonary exacerbations (PEx) and effect on lung function (FEV1% predicted).


合計1196人の患者を20年間追跡調査したところ、88人(7.4%)の患者で1回以上の培養でBurkholderia種が陽性であった。ET-12感染者の死亡までの期間の中央値は1.95年であったのに対し、他のブルクolderia感染者では5.30~6.72年であった。ET-12感染は、一変量モデルでは、ブルクolderia感染歴のない患者と比較して死亡または移植のリスクが高かった(HR 3.92、95%CI 2.25~6.81)が、交絡因子を調整した後では有意ではなくなった。PExはBurkholderia感染者でより一般的であり、交絡因子を調整した後もET-12群で有意であった(OR 2.96(1.17 - 7.53))。ベースラインのFEV1%やFEV1%低下率には、Burkholderia種感染群と非感染群で差は認められなかった。

RESULTS: A total of 1196 patients were followed over 20 years; 88 patients (7.4%) had ≥ 1 culture positive for Burkholderia species. Patients with ET-12 infection had a median time to death of 1.95 years compared to 5.30-6.72 years for those with other Burkholderia infections. ET-12 infection was associated with a greater risk of death or transplantation compared to patients with no history of Burkholderia infection in a univariate model (HR 3.92, 95% CI 2.25 - 6.81) but was no longer significant after adjusting for confounders. PEx were more common in those with Burkholderia infections and remained significant in the ET-12 group after adjusting for confounders (OR 2.96 (1.17 - 7.53)). No differences were noted in baseline FEV1% or the rate of FEV1% decline between the groups with and without Burkholderia species infection.



CONCLUSION: With the exception of ET-12, acquisition of Burkholderia species infection did not appear to worsen clinical outcomes compared to those with no history of infection. Given this, prognosis, management and clinical trial inclusion protocols may need to be re-evaluated for persons with Burkholderia infection.