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Trials.2020 Jul;21(1):655. 10.1186/s13063-020-04582-x. doi: 10.1186/s13063-020-04582-x.Epub 2020-07-16.


A trauma medical home, evaluating collaborative care for the older injured patient: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial.

  • Damaris Ortiz
  • Ashley D Meagher
  • Heidi Lindroth
  • Emma Holler
  • Sujuan Gao
  • Babar Khan
  • Sue Lasiter
  • Malaz Boustani
  • Ben Zarzaur
PMID: 32678026 DOI: 10.1186/s13063-020-04582-x.




BACKGROUND: It is estimated that 55 million adults will be 65 years and older in the USA by 2020. These older adults are at increased risk for injury and their recovery is multi-faceted. A collaborative care model may improve psychological and functional outcomes of the non-neurologically impaired older trauma patient and reduce health care costs.



METHODS: This is a randomized controlled trial of 430 patients aged 50 and older who have suffered a non-neurologic injury and are admitted to a level one trauma center in Indianapolis, IN, or Madison, WI. Participants will be assigned to either the Trauma Medical Home (TMH) intervention or usual care. The TMH intervention is a collaborative care model that includes validated protocols addressing the multi-faceted needs of this population, with the help of care coordination software and a mobile office concept. The primary outcome is self-reported physical recovery at 6- and 12-month follow-up. Secondary outcomes include self-reported psychological recovery, acute health care utilization, and cost-effectiveness of the intervention at 6 and 12 months. The TMH collaborative care model will be delivered by a registered nurse care coordinator. The assessments will be completed by trained blinded research assistants.



DISCUSSION: The proposed study will evaluate a collaborative care model to help maximize psychological and functional recovery for non-neurologically injured older patients at four level one trauma centers in the Midwest.


臨床試験.NCT03108820 .2017年4月11日に登録されました。プロトコルバージョン6:スタディ#1612690852。2019年4月12日.

TRIAL REGISTRATION: Clinical Trials. NCT03108820 . Registered on 11 April 2017. Protocol Version 6: Study # 1612690852. April 12, 2019.


インディアナ大学。ヒト被験者およびIRB連絡先:irb@iu.edu 2017年6月4日にWHO ICTRPにプロスペクティブ登録。

SPONSOR: Indiana University. Human subjects and IRB contact information: irb@iu.edu Prospectively registered in the WHO ICTRP on 4 June 2017.