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BMC Psychiatry.2020 Jul;20(1):372. 10.1186/s12888-020-02769-9. doi: 10.1186/s12888-020-02769-9.Epub 2020-07-16.

薬剤耐性強迫性障害(OCD)における rTMS 治療の有効性と臨床的予測因子:レトロスペクティブ研究

Efficacy and clinical predictors of response to rTMS treatment in pharmacoresistant obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD): a retrospective study.

  • Reza Rostami
  • Reza Kazemi
  • Arezoo Jabbari
  • Azam Sadat Madani
  • Hosseinreza Rostami
  • Mohammad Amin Taherpour
  • Parviz Molavi
  • Nematollah Jaafari
  • Min-Fang Kuo
  • Carmelo M Vicario
  • Michael A Nitsche
  • Mohammad Ali Salehinejad
PMID: 32677923 DOI: 10.1186/s12888-020-02769-9.




BACKGROUND: Application of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) for treating obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) has been promising and approved by the Food and Drug Administration in 2018, but effects differ between patients. Knowledge about clinical predictors of rTMS response may help to increase clinical efficacy but is not available so far.


レトロスペクティブ研究では、2015 年 7 月から 2017 年 5 月までに rTMS 治療のために募集した薬剤耐性 OCD 外来患者 65 名を対象に、背外側前頭前野(DLPFC)または補助運動野(SMA)に対する rTMS の有効性を調査しました。患者は、一次的なOCD症状に加えて、より高い情動症状や抑うつ症状を報告した場合に、SMA rTMS(n=38)または両側性DLPFC rTMS(n=27)のいずれかを受けた。OCD症状および抑うつ/不安状態は、ベースライン(1回目のセッション前)および20回目のrTMSセッション後に測定された。さらに、yale-Brown強迫性尺度(Y-BOCS)の3因子モデルと2因子モデル、および個別項目に基づく人口統計学的変数と臨床的変数について2値ロジスティック回帰分析を行い、rTMSの反応の潜在的な予測因子を検討した。

METHODS: In a retrospective study, we investigated the efficacy of rTMS over the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) or supplementary motor area (SMA) in 65 pharmaco-resistant OCD outpatients recruited for rTMS treatment from July 2015 to May 2017. Patients received either SMA rTMS (n = 38) or bilateral DLPFC rTMS (n = 27) in case of reporting higher affective and depressive symptoms in addition to the primary OCD symptoms. OCD symptoms and depression/anxiety states were measured at baseline (before the 1st session) and after the 20th session of rTMS. Additionally, we performed a binary logistic regression analysis on the demographic and clinical variables based on the Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale (Y-BOCS) 3-factor and 2-factor models and individual items to investigate potential predictors of rTMS response.



RESULTS: Patients' scores in Y-BOCS and Beck anxiety/depression inventories were significantly decreased following rTMS treatment. 46.2% of all patients responded to rTMS, based on the criterion of at least a 30% reduction in Y-BOCS scores. There was no significant difference between response rates of patients in DLPFC and SMA groups. No significant demographic predictors of rTMS efficacy were identified. The factors "obsession severity", "resistance" and "disturbance" and the "interference due to obsessions" and "resistance against compulsions" items of the Y-BOCS significantly predicted response to rTMS.


強迫観念や干渉的な思考が少なく、「強迫観念の重症度」、「妨害」、「抵抗性」因子のスコアが低い患者では、rTMS の効果が優れている可能性があります。臨床的および非臨床的な反応予測因子を特定することは、薬剤耐性OCD患者におけるrTMSプロトコールのパーソナライズと適応化に関連しています。rTMSの有効性の解釈は、偽の介入条件がないため、注意して行う必要がある。

CONCLUSIONS: In patients with less intrusive/interfering thoughts, and low scores in the "obsession severity", "disturbance", and "resistance" factors, rTMS might have superior effects. Identifying clinical and non-clinical predictors of response is relevant to personalize and adapt rTMS protocols in pharmaco-resistant OCD patients. Interpretation of rTMS efficacy should be done with caution due to the lack of a sham intervention condition.