Content and health risk assessment of heavy metals and polybrominated diphenyl ethers in fish from Songhua Lake (Jilin City), China.
PMID: 32677011 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-020-10067-w.
中国の吉林松花湖で採取した魚類を対象に、重金属とポリ臭化ジフェニルエーテル(PBDEs)の濃度を測定した。これらの汚染物質の濃度と同族体プロファイルは魚の種類によって異なっていた。Zn,Cu,Mn,Cdの濃度が最も高かったのは,雑食性の3種の魚類(カラシウス・カラシウス,ハイポメウス・オリダス,ヘミクルター・ロイシクルス)であった。Ni, Cr, Hgの濃度が最も高かったのは肉食魚のSilurus asotusとHemibarbus maculatusであった。魚類の7種のPBDEの合計濃度の最小値はCtenopharyngodon idellusで0.093ng/g wet weight (ww)であり,最大値はAristichthys nobilisで0.342ng/g wwであった。すべての近縁種のうち、BDE28と47が優勢であった。これらの金属及びPBDEの魚類摂取量は、それぞれ1.159-10.121μg/kg bw/日及び0.046-0.597ng/kg bw/日と推定された。また、両汚染物質の総危険度(THQ)は1を大きく下回っており、松花湖の魚種を摂取した人々にとっては、これらの汚染物質の健康リスクは低いことが示された。
Levels of heavy metals and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) were determined in fishes sampled in Jilin Songhua Lake, China. Concentrations and congener profiles of these contaminants varied by fish type. The highest concentrations of Zn, Cu, Mn, and Cd were found in three omnivorous fish (Carassius carassius, Hypomesus olidus, and Hemiculter leucisculus). The highest concentrations of Ni, Cr, and Hg were found in Silurus asotus and Hemibarbus maculatus which are two kinds of carnivorous fish. The minimum total concentration of the seven PBDEs of fish was 0.093 ng/g wet weight (ww) in Ctenopharyngodon idellus, while the maximum, 0.342 ng/g ww, was detected in Aristichthys nobilis. Of all the congeners, BDE 28 and 47 were dominant. The estimated daily intake (EDI) of these metals and PBDEs via consuming the fishes was estimated to be 1.159-10.121 μg/kg bw/day and 0.046-0.597 ng/kg bw/day, respectively. The total hazard quotients (THQs) of both types of pollutants were far below 1, indicating that the health risks of these pollutants were low for the people who consumed the fish species from the Songhua Lake.