Kinins and nitric oxide in patients with chronic chagas disease and systemic arterial hypertension.
PMID: 32674046 DOI: 10.1016/j.carpath.2020.107257.
BACKGROUND: Chronic Chagas disease (CCHD) associated with Systemic Arterial Hypertension (SAH) is frequently found in areas where the disease is endemic. The pathogenesis of patients with both pathologies (CCHD-SAH) is unsettled. Nitric Oxide (NO) and Kinins are important players in the myocardial inflammation process in experimental CCHD. No previous study has addressed this question in patients with CCHD, particularly in those with CCHD-SAH. Accordingly, this study was undertaken in an attempt to contribute to the understanding of the pathogenesis of patients with CCHD-SAH.
METHODS: Thirty-seven patients with a positive serology for Chagas disease were enrolled; 15 had CCHD alone, 22 had CCHD-SAH (abnormal ECG/Doppler echocardiogram plus a systolic blood pressure > 140 mmHg or diastolic blood pressure > 90 mmHg on admission), and 11 had SAH alone. Thirty healthy individuals matched by age and sex served as controls. Plasma High-molecular (Hkg) and low-molecular weight (LKg) kininogens, plasma kallikrein levels (Pkal and Tcal), Kininase II, and plasma NO were measured.
HKgとLKgはCCHD-SAH患者で他の群と比較して低かった(P < .0001)。PkalおよびTcalは、他の群と比較してCCHD-SAH患者で高かった(P<.0001)。キナーゼIIレベルは、SAH、CCHD、およびCCHD-SAH患者で類似していたが、対照群と比較して低かった(P< .0001)。NOレベルは、CCHDおよびCCHD-SAH患者で類似していたが、SAH患者および対照群と比較して高かった(P > .0001)。
RESULTS: HKg and LKg were lower in CCHD-SAH patients in comparison with other groups (P < .0001). Pkal and Tcal were higher in CCHD-SAH patients in comparison with the other groups (P< .0001). Kininase II levels were similar in SAH, CCHD, and CCHD-SAH patients, but lower in comparison with controls (P< .0001). NO levels were similar in CCHD and CCHD-SAH patients, but higher in comparison with SAH patients and controls (P > .0001).
CONCLUSION: Such findings suggest increased Kinin and NO activity in patients with CCHD-SAH, thus contributing to the understanding of the pathogenesis of this condition.
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