The beneficial pharmacological effects and potential mechanisms of picroside II: Evidence of its benefits from in vitro and in vivo.
PMID: 32674016 DOI: 10.1016/j.biopha.2020.110421.
Picrorhiza kurroa、Picrorhiza kurroa Royle ex Benthの乾燥根茎は、中国で伝統的に使用されてきた有名な中国のハーブです。Picroside II(PII)、配糖体誘導体は、Picrorhiza kurroaの主な生理活性成分です。過去数十年の間に、Picrorhiza kurroaからの生理活性成分は、その有望な治療効果のために研究者の注目を集めている。これまでに多くの研究で、器質的虚血・再灌流(I/R)傷害、肝障害、炎症、癌転移、血管新生などの疾患の予防や治療にPIIが有効であることが示されてきた。本論文では、PIIの抗酸化作用、抗炎症作用、抗アポトーシス作用を中心に、その薬理学的概要を明らかにすることを目的とした。一方、植物組織分布と薬物動態学的特性についても記述した。PIIはI/R傷害に対する有益な薬理学的効果があることから、有機的なI/R傷害予防のための有望な治療薬となる可能性がある。
Picrorhiza kurroa, the dried rhizome of Picrorhiza kurroa Royle ex Benth, is a famous Chinese herb that has been traditionally used in China. Picroside II (PII), a glycoside derivative, is the main bioactive constituent of Picrorhiza kurroa. In the past several decades, bioactive components from Picrorhiza kurroa have attracted the attention of researchers due to their promising therapeutic effects. A large number of studies have demonstrated the therapeutic potential of PII for the prevention and treatment of some diseases, such as organic ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) injury, liver damage, inflammation, cancer metastasis and angiogenesis. In the present paper, we aimed to provide an overview of the pharmacology of PII, focusing on its anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-apoptotic activities. Meanwhile, the plant tissue distribution and pharmacokinetic properties were also described. Due to its beneficial pharmacological effects in I/R injury, PII may serve as a promising therapeutic agent for organic I/R injury prevention.
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