Enhanced prognostic stratification of neoadjuvant treated lung squamous cell carcinoma by computationally-guided tumor regression scoring.
PMID: 32673826 DOI: 10.1016/j.lungcan.2020.07.003.
INTRODUCTION: The amount of residual tumor burden after neoadjuvant chemotherapy is an important prognosticator, but for non-small cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC), no official regression scoring system is yet established. Computationally derived histological regression scores could provide unbiased and quantitative readouts to complement the clinical assessment of treatment response.
病理組織学的腫瘍退縮を、肺扁平上皮癌(LSCC)のネオアジュバント化学療法治療を受けたコホート(NAC、n=55人)の全症例で顕微鏡的に評価した。各患者について、病理学的回帰が最も少ないスライドをその後の計算解析のために選択し、組織学的特徴を定量化した:重要な腫瘍細胞の割合(cTu.Percentage)、重要な腫瘍細胞で覆われた総表面(cTu.Area)、最大の重要な腫瘍断片の面積(cTu.Size.max)、および重要な腫瘍断片の総数(cTu.Fragments)。化学療法を受けていないLSCCコホート(CN、n=104)を参考として使用した。55人の患者のうち23人について、[F]-Fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) PET/CTによる最大標準取り込み値(SUV)、バックグラウンド減算病変活性(BSL)、バックグラウンド減算体積(BSV)の測定値は、病理学的回帰と相関していた。生存期間の解析は、3年カットオフを用いたCox回帰および受信機操作特性(ROC)曲線解析を用いて行った。
METHODS: Histopathologic tumor regression was microscopically assessed on whole cases in a neoadjuvant chemotherapy-treated cohort (NAC, n = 55 patients) of lung squamous cell carcinomas (LSCC). For each patient, the slide showing the least pathologic regression was selected for subsequent computational analysis and histological features were quantified: percentage of vital tumor cells (cTu.Percentage), total surface covered by vital tumor cells (cTu.Area), area of the largest vital tumor fragment (cTu.Size.max), and total number of vital tumor fragments (cTu.Fragments). A chemo-naïve LSCC cohort (CN, n = 104) was used for reference. For 23 of the 55 patients [F]-Fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) PET/CT measurements of maximum standard uptake value (SUV), background subtracted lesion activity (BSL) and background subtracted volume (BSV) were correlated with pathologic regression. Survival analysis was carried out using Cox regression and receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis using a 3-years cutoff.
すべての計算回帰パラメータは、ネオアジュバント化学療法後のBSV FDG PET/CT値の相対的変化と有意に相関していた。NAC患者の組織学的パラメータのROC曲線解析では、cTu.Percentageが全生存期間の最も正確な予後因子であることが示された(ROC曲線AUC=0.77、p値=0.001、Cox回帰HR=3.6、p値=0.001、変数カットオフ<=30 %)。
RESULTS: All computational regression parameters significantly correlated with relative changes of BSV FDG PET/CT values after neoadjuvant chemotherapy. ROC curve analysis of histological parameters of NAC patients showed that cTu.Percentage was the most accurate prognosticator of overall survival (ROC curve AUC = 0.77, p-value = 0.001, Cox regression HR = 3.6, p = 0.001, variable cutoff < = 30 %).
CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrates the prognostic relevance of computer-derived histopathologic scores. Additionally, the analysis carried out on slides displaying the least pathologic regression correlated with overall pathologic response and PET/CT values. This might improve the objective histopathologic assessment of tumor response in neoadjuvant setting.
Copyright © 2020 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.