Refractory shock during the anesthetic and surgical management of an intrahepatic tumor arising from the adrenal cortex: A case report.
PMID: 32673783 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijscr.2020.06.101.
INTRODUCTION: Adrenocortical carcinoma is a rare type of malignant adrenal tumor with a possibility of delayed metastases. Diagnosis may be delayed with a non-secreting tumor or metastasis, and even in this case, surgical management may be complicate.
PRESENTATION OF CASE: A 55-year-old man underwent elective surgery for the resection of a large intra-hepatic mass from an undetermined type according to a recent liver biopsy. He had a previous history of a non-secreting adrenal tumor that was operated ten years before. Pre-operatively, he was poorly symptomatic, with a normal arterial blood pressure. Anesthesia induction was uneventful, but at the time of tumor resection and removal, he developed extreme vasoplegia and shock with anuric renal failure, lactic acidosis, four-limb and abdominal compartment syndrome. The patient died on day 9 from delayed septic complications. According to the pathological findings, the tumor was a non-secreting adrenocortical carcinoma.
DISCUSSION: Adrenocortical carcinoma (ACC) is rare condition with diverse clinical manifestations due to excessive hormonal production when the tumor is secreting and mimicking pheochromocytoma. Our patient underwent the resection a large intrahepatic non-secreting metastasis more than ten years after the initial lesion. Peri-operative and post-operative management was complicated by a refractory shock with the characteristics of a secondary systemic capillary leak syndrome. The role of endothelial lesions may be discussed.
CONCLUSION: Surgery of metastatic adrenocortical carcinoma may be complicated by severe hemodynamic complications, even in the absence of hormonal secretion.
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