Small Molecule Antagonist of C-C Chemokine Receptor 1 (CCR1) Reduces Disc Inflammation in the Rabbit Model.
PMID: 32673730 DOI: 10.1016/j.spinee.2020.07.001.
BACKGROUND CONTEXT: Targeting chemokines or chemokine receptors is a promising treatment strategy for diseases with chronic inflammation such as rheumatoid arthritis and discogenic pain. Identifying specific molecules and determining their effectiveness in animal models are the first steps in developing these treatments. Macrophage markers have been detected in the intervertebral disc tissues of patients with disc degenerative disease and discogenic pain and in different animal models. Macrophage recruitment into the disc may play a role in initiation of inflammation and if unresolved may lead to chronic inflammation and subsequent back pain.
これらの研究の目的は、1)in vitroで椎間板細胞によって誘導されるマクロファージの遊走をブロックすることができるケモカイン受容体拮抗薬を同定し、2)これらの拮抗薬による椎間板内治療がin vivoで椎間板の炎症と変性を減少させることができるかどうかを決定することである。
PURPOSE: The objectives of these studies are to 1) identify chemokine receptor antagonists that can block macrophage migration induced by disc cells in vitro and 2) determine if intradiscal treatment with these antagonists can reduce disc inflammation and degeneration in vivo.
STUDY DESIGN: In vitro migration assays were used to test effectiveness of chemokine receptor antagonists to block macrophage migration induced by disc cells. The rabbit annular puncture model was used to test for anti-inflammatory and regenerative effects of chemokine receptor antagonist treatment in vivo.
インビトロ。THP-1ヒト単球細胞株および新鮮に分離したウサギ初代脾臓細胞を、インターロイキン(IL)-1β処理したヒトまたはウサギの椎間板細胞の条件付き培地を用いて、3 µm Corning Transwellインサートを使用して遊走をアッセイした。マクロファージ遊走の阻害は、C-Cケモカイン受容体(CCR)1およびCCR2の低分子アンタゴニストの異なる濃度を用いて評価した。インビボで。ニュージーランドの白ウサギ(n=40)を、同じ手順で、生理食塩水、CCR1またはCCR2アンタゴニストを用いた椎間板穿刺および椎間板内治療を行った。椎間板の高さ、MRIグレードおよびIL-8血清レベルの分析のために、X線およびMR画像と血清サンプルを採取した。炎症性および椎間板表現型マーカーのRNA分析、およびマクロファージマーカーRAM11の免疫組織化学的分析のために椎間板を分離した。アウトカム指標は3つの治療群間で比較された。これらの研究は、スイスのAO財団からの研究助成金(プロジェクト番号S-14-86A; 120000 CHF)によって行われた。CCR1およびCCR2アンタゴニストは、ChemoCentryx (Mountain View, CA)から提供された。
METHODS: In vitro. THP-1 human monocytic cell line and freshly isolated rabbit primary splenocytes were assayed for migration using 3 µm Corning Transwell inserts with conditioned media of interleukin (IL)-1β treated human or rabbit disc cells. Inhibition of macrophage migration was evaluated using different concentrations of small molecule antagonists of C-C chemokine receptor (CCR)1 and CCR2. In vivo. New Zealand White rabbits (n = 40) underwent disc puncture and intradiscal treatment with saline, CCR1 or CCR2 antagonists within the same procedure. X-ray and MR images and serum samples were taken for disc height, MRI grade and IL-8 serum level analyses. Intervertebral discs were isolated for RNA analysis of inflammatory and disc phenotypic markers and for immunohistochemical analysis of macrophage marker, RAM11. The outcome measures were compared between the three treatment groups. These studies were funded by a research grant from AO Foundation, Switzerland (Project no S-14-86A; 120000 CHF). CCR1 and CCR2 antagonists were kindly provided by ChemoCentryx (Mountain View, CA).
RESULTS: In vitro migration assays showed that THP-1 migration induced by disc cells was blocked by CCR2 antagonist more effectively than CCR1 antagonist, while rabbit splenocyte migration was inhibited by CCR1 antagonist and not the other. In the rabbit annular puncture model, rabbit discs treated with CCR1 antagonist had significantly better MRI grades than those treated with CCR2 antagonist at 6 weeks post-treatment. Gene expression studies demonstrate that discs treated with CCR1 or CCR2 antagonists expressed less inflammatory markers than saline-treated discs at 3 weeks post-treatment. Although CCR2 antagonist treatment did not reduce inflammatory marker expression at 6 weeks, discs treated with CCR1 antagonist expressed less inflammatory markers and also a higher ratio of collagen type 2 to collagen type 1 genes indicating favorable disc matrix production. There were no significant differences between all three treatment groups in regards to disc height indexes, IL-8 serum levels or macrophage marker detection.
これらの研究により、CCR2およびCCR1に対する低分子アンタゴニストは、それぞれ、in vitroで椎間板細胞によって誘導されるTHP-1およびウサギの脾臓細胞の遊走をブロックするのに有効であることが明らかになった。さらに、CCR2とCCR1に対する低分子アンタゴニストによる椎間板内治療は、3週間の早い時点で椎間板の炎症を抑制するのに有効であった。最後に、CCR1アンタゴニストのみが抗炎症効果を示し、6週間後のMRI成績も良好であった。
CONCLUSIONS: These studies have identified that small molecule antagonists against CCR2 and CCR1 were respectively effective in blocking THP-1 and rabbit splenocyte migration induced by disc cells in vitro. Further, both CCR2 and CCR1 antagonist intradiscal treatments were effective in reducing disc inflammation at an early time point of 3 weeks. Lastly, only CCR1 antagonist demonstrated anti-inflammatory effects and better MRI grades at 6 weeks.
CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: Our pre-clinical studies demonstrate that CCR1 and CCR2 antagonist delivery through intradiscal injection is sufficient to reduce disc inflammation at early time points, while CCR1 antagonists had longer term anti-inflammatory effects. Clinical studies have found that CCR1 antagonist was safe, tolerable and clinically active in reducing inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis patients. These studies suggest that CCR1 antagonist may be a promising biological treatment to reduce disc inflammation that translates to back pain relief.
Copyright © 2020. Published by Elsevier Inc.