Chronic Comorbidities Among Survivors of Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer
Chronic Comorbidities Among Survivors of Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer.
PMID: 32673152 DOI: 10.1200/JCO.20.00722.
PURPOSE: To describe the incidence, relative risk, and risk factors for chronic comorbidities in survivors of adolescent and young adult (AYA) cancer.
このレトロスペクティブ・コホート研究は、2000年から2012年の間にKaiser Permanente Southern Californiaで15歳から39歳の間に診断されたAYAがんの2年間の生存者を対象とした。がんのない比較コホートを、年齢、性および暦年でがん生存者と個別にマッチさせた(13:1)。電子カルテを用いて、すべての参加者を2014年12月31日まで追跡し、慢性併存疾患の診断を行った。ポアソン回帰を用いて、がん生存者の状態と各併存疾患の発症リスクとの関連を評価した。がん生存者について、化学療法および放射線療法への累積被曝と選択された併存疾患との関連を検討した。
METHODS: This retrospective cohort study included 2-year survivors of AYA cancer diagnosed between age 15 and 39 years at Kaiser Permanente Southern California from 2000 to 2012. A comparison cohort without cancer was individually matched (13:1) to survivors of cancer on age, sex, and calendar year. Using electronic medical records, all participants were followed through December 31, 2014, for chronic comorbidity diagnoses. Poisson regression was used to evaluate the association between cancer survivor status and risk of developing each comorbidity. The associations between cumulative exposure to chemotherapy and radiation therapy and selected comorbidities were examined for survivors of cancer.
RESULTS: The cohort included 6,778 survivors of AYA cancer and 87,737 persons without a history of cancer. The incidence rate ratio (IRR) for survivors of cancer was significantly increased for nearly all comorbidities examined. IRR ranged from 1.3 (95% CI, 1.2 to 1.4) for dyslipidemia to 8.3 (95% CI, 4.6 to 14.9) for avascular necrosis. Survivors of AYA cancer had a 2- to 3-fold increased risk for cardiomyopathy, stroke, premature ovarian failure, chronic liver disease, and renal failure. Among survivors of cancer, significant associations between chemotherapy and radiation therapy exposures and late effects of cardiomyopathy, hearing loss, stroke, thyroid disorders, and diabetes were observed from the multivariable analyses. Forty percent of survivors of AYA cancer had multiple (≥ 2) comorbidities at 10 years after index date, compared with 20% of those without cancer.
CONCLUSION: Risk of developing comorbidities is increased in survivors of AYA cancer compared with the general population. Specific cancer treatment exposures were associated with risk of developing different comorbidities. These findings have important implications for survivorship care planning and patient education.