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Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol.2020 Jul;doi: 10.1002/uog.22151.Epub 2020-07-16.


Performance of six birthweight and estimated fetal weight standards for predicting adverse perinatal outcomes: a 10-year nationwide population-based study.

  • S K Y Choi
  • A Gordon
  • L Hilder
  • A Henry
  • J A Hyett
  • B K Brew
  • F Joseph
  • L Jorm
  • G M Chambers
PMID: 32672406 DOI: 10.1002/uog.22151.



推定胎児体重[EFW]基準(Hadlock、INTERGROWTH-21、WHO)を用いて、早産児・周産期児における SGA、LGA の分類、および有害な周産期転帰を予測するための 3 つの出生体重基準(オーストラリア人口ベース、Fenton、INTERGROWTH-21)と 3 つの推定胎児体重[EFW]基準(Hadlock、INTERGROWTH-21、WHO)を評価する。成長チャートの性能を、死産、新生児死亡、周産期死亡、複合罹患率、および周産期死亡と罹患率の複合アウトカムで37週未満および37週以上で層別化し、SGAおよびLGA分類、相対リスク(RR)、およびAUCに基づく診断精度に基づいて評価した。

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate three birthweight standards (Australian population-based, Fenton, and INTERGROWTH-21 ) and three estimated-fetal-weight [EFW] standards (Hadlock, INTERGROWTH-21 , and WHO) for classifying SGA, LGA, and predicting adverse perinatal outcomes in preterm and term babies METHODS: A nationwide population-based study was conducted with a total of 2.4 million singleton births (24 -40 weeks), 2004-2013, Australia. Growth chart performance was evaluated according to SGA and LGA classification, relative risk (RR), and diagnostic accuracy based on AUC, stratified by <37 -weeks and ≥37 -weeks for stillbirth, neonatal death, perinatal death, composite morbidity, and composite of perinatal death and morbidity outcomes.


評価された 6 つの出生体重基準と EFW 基準の間では、SGA と LGA の分類と有害転帰のリスクに有意な差があった。他の基準と比較して、INTERGROWTH-21st 出生体重基準と EFW 基準では、SGA(有病率 3~4%対 7~10%)の赤ちゃんの半数(10 センチル未満)と LGA(有病率 24~25%対 8~18%)の赤ちゃんの 2 倍(90 センチル以上)に分類されており、その結果、有害転帰のリスクが高い SGA の期 間児のコホートはより小さく、有害転帰のリスクが低い LGA のコホートはより大きくなっていました。例えば、早産児(3 センチル未満)では、2 つの INTERGROWTH-21st 基準を用いた周産期死亡の相対リスクは、他の基準(WHO-EFW と Hadlock-EFW を含む)と比較して最大 1.5 倍であったが、INTERGROWTH-21st-EFW 基準では、LGA 乳児の周産期死亡のリスクが 12~26%減少した。逆に早産児については、WHO-EFW と Hadlock-EFW は、他の基準と比較して SGA 分類率が高く(18-19% vs 10-11%)、LGA 期の赤ちゃんの周産期死亡リスクが 20-90%増加することを確認した。すべての出生体重とEFWチャートは、早産児(0.58-0.62)、期中児(0.49-0.50)、およびセンチ単位での有害転帰(複合転帰のAUC範囲:0.49-0.62)を検出するための性能が同様に低かった。さらに、有害転帰を特定するための特定のセンタイル閾値は、出生体重基準とEFW基準の間でチャートによって著しく異なっていた。

RESULTS: There were significant differences in the SGA and LGA classification and risk of adverse outcomes between the six birthweight and EFW standards evaluated. For term babies, compared to other standards, the INTERGROWTH-21st-birthweight and EFW standards classified half the number of SGA babies (prevalence: 3-4% vs. 7-10%) (<10th-centile) and double of the number of LGA babies (prevalence: 24-25% vs. 8-18%) (>90th-centile), resulting in a smaller cohort of term-SGA at higher risk of adverse outcomes, and a larger LGA cohort with lower risk of adverse outcomes. For example, for term-SGA babies (<3rd-centile), the relative risk of perinatal death using the two INTERGROWTH-21st standards was up to 1.5-fold higher than the other standards (including the WHO-EFW and Hadlock-EFW), while the INTERGROWTH-21st-EFW standard indicated a 12-26% reduced risk or perinatal death for LGA babies across centile-thresholds. Conversely for preterm babies, the WHO-EFW and Hadlock-EFW identified a higher SGA classification rate (18-19% vs. 10-11%) compared to other standards and between a 20-90% increased risk for perinatal death in term-LGAs babies. All birthweight and EFW charts had similarly poor performance for detecting adverse outcomes (AUC range for the composite outcome: 0.49-0.62), for both preterm (0.58-0.62), term babies (0.49-0.50) and across centiles. Furthermore, specific centile-thresholds for identifying adverse outcomes varied markedly by chart between birthweight and EFW standards.



CONCLUSIONS: This study addresses the recurrent problem of identifying fetuses at risk of morbidity and perinatal mortality related to growth disorders, and provides new insights into the applicability of international growth standards. Our findings of marked variation in classification and the similarly poor performance of prescriptive international standards and the other commonly used standards raise questions about whether the prescriptive international standards that were constructed for universal adoption, are indeed applicable to a multi-ethnic population such as Australia. Thus, caution is needed when adopting universal standards for clinical and epidemiological use. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.