Efficacy of S-1 in second-line chemotherapy after nab-paclitaxel plus gemcitabine for patients with advanced pancreatic cancer.
PMID: 32672000 DOI: 10.1002/cnr2.1215.
BACKGROUND: Second-line (2 L) chemotherapy is important for improved survival. However, the efficacy of S-1 after nab-paclitaxel plus gemcitabine (AG) for advanced pancreatic cancer (APC) remains unclear.
AIM: We retrospectively investigated the clinical impact of S-1 after AG.
2015年1月から2018年7月までの間に、APC患者37名が当院でファーストライン化学療法としてAGを受けた。これらの患者のうち、14例(38%)はAG後に2L化学療法としてS-1を受けた(S-1群)、5例(14%)はAG後に別の薬剤を投与され、18例(49%)は2L化学療法を行わなかった(best supportive care[BSC]群)。臨床的特徴をS-1群とBSC群でレトロスペクティブに比較した。残存期間(RS)の予後因子を Cox 比例ハザードモデルを用いて解析した。2L化学療法の導入率は51%で、ほとんどの患者がS-1単剤療法を受けていた(74%)。病勢制御率は57.1%、無増悪生存期間は2.8カ月であった。無増悪生存期間中央値は、S-1群で5.2カ月、BSC群で2.4カ月であり、この差は統計学的に有意であった(ハザード比、0.33;P=0.005)。全生存期間の中央値は、S-1群で12.3ヵ月、BSC群で5.0ヵ月であり、この差も統計学的に有意であった(ハザード比、0.26;P = 0.001)。RSに対する2L化学療法におけるS-1の有効性は、年齢(65歳未満 vs 65歳以上)および肝転移の有無と同様に多変量解析で明らかになった。
METHODS AND RESULTS: From January 2015 to July 2018, 37 patients with APC underwent AG as first-line chemotherapy at our institute. Of these patients, 14 (38%) underwent S-1 as 2 L chemotherapy after AG (S-1 group), five (14%) received another agent after AG, and 18 (49%) underwent no 2 L chemotherapy (best supportive care [BSC] group). The clinical features were retrospectively compared between the S-1 and BSC groups. Prognostic factors for residual survival (RS) were analyzed using a Cox proportional hazards model. The induction rate of 2 L chemotherapy was 51%, and most patients received S-1 monotherapy (74%). The disease control rate and progression-free survival duration were 57.1% and 2.8 months, respectively. The median RS duration in the S-1 and BSC groups was 5.2 and 2.4 months, respectively; this difference was statistically significant (hazard ratio, 0.33; P = .005). The median overall survival duration in the S-1 and BSC groups was 12.3 and 5.0 months, respectively; this difference was also statistically significant (hazard ratio, 0.26; P = .001). The efficacy of S-1 in 2L chemotherapy for RS was identified in the multivariate analysis, as was age (<65 vs ≥65 y) and the presence of liver metastasis.
CONCLUSION: The antitumor activity of S-1 was retained after AG, and the induction of S-1 after AG might improve the prognosis of patients with APC.
© 2019 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.