Mind the Gap: Changes in Cigarette Prices After California's Tax Increase.
PMID: 32671140 PMCID: PMC7363403. DOI: 10.18001/trs.5.6.5.
Objective: To investigate whether California's 2017 cigarette tax increase was passed onto smokers equally.
監査員は、認可を受けたタバコ小売店の同じランダムサンプル(N = 1049)で、増税前(2017年1月~3月)と増税後(2018年4月~9月)の4つのタバコの価格を記録した。ナチュラル・アメリカン・スピリット(ウルトラプレミアム)、ニューポート・メンソール(プレミアム)、ポール・モール(バリュー)はすべて同じメーカーのもの、マルボロ(プレミアム)である。通常の最小二乗回帰では、市場セグメントと近隣の人口統計によって、価格の格差(増税額が2ドル以上かそれ以下か)がどのように変化するかを調べ、店舗のタイプと導入後の月数をコントロールしました。対の t 検定では、産業/小売業の収入(州および連邦の物品税を上回る価格)が増加したかどうかを評価した。
Methods: Auditors recorded 4 cigarette prices in the same random sample of licensed tobacco retailers (N = 1049) before the tax increase (January-March 2017) and after (April-September 2018): Natural American Spirit (ultra-premium), Newport menthol (premium), and Pall Mall (value) all from the same manufacturer, and Marlboro (premium). Ordinary least squares regressions examined how the gap in prices (increase greater or less than $2.00 tax) varied by market segment and neighborhood demographics, controlling for store type and months since implementation. Paired t-tests assessed whether industry/retail revenue (price in excess of state and federal excise taxes) increased.
Results: Over-shifting (increase greater than tax) was evident for all 4 brands and was significantly greater for ultra-premium (Mean = $0.40, SD = 0.75) than premium (Mean = $0.25, SD = 0.78) and greater for premium than value brand (Mean = $0.16, SD = 0.67). However, under-shifting (increase less than tax) was evident for Newport in African-American neighborhoods and Pall Mall in Hispanic neighborhoods. After the tax increase, prices were significantly more likely to be discounted and significantly more stores advertised a discount on cigarettes.
Conclusion: California's tax increase was not passed onto consumers equally. Non-tax mechanisms to increase price could support intended effects of tobacco taxes.