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J Med Case Rep.2020 Jul;14(1):101. 10.1186/s13256-020-02413-w. doi: 10.1186/s13256-020-02413-w.Epub 2020-07-16.


Coexistence of mycobacterial infections - Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Mycobacterium leprae - in Sri Lanka: a case series.

  • B S D P Keragala
  • H M M T B Herath
  • G H D C Janapriya
  • S Vanitha
  • Thanushah Balendran
  • Thavarajah Janani
  • T S Keragala
  • C N Gunasekera
PMID: 32669124 DOI: 10.1186/s13256-020-02413-w.




BACKGROUND: Leprosy is one of the oldest mycobacterial infections and tuberculosis is the most common mycobacterial infection with a higher degree of infectivity than leprosy. Although both diseases are prevalent in clusters in developing countries, simultaneous occurrence of them in an individual is a rare entity, even in an endemic setting.



CASE PRESENTATION: We describe six cases of tuberculosis and leprosy coinfection: a 57-year-old Sinhalese woman, a 47-year-old Tamil woman, a 72-year-old Tamil man, a 59-year-old Sinhalese man, a 54-year-old Sinhalese man, and a 50-year-old Sinhalese man. In this case series, five patients had lepromatous leprosy and the majority of patients were men. Three patients were detected to have tuberculosis at the outset of treatment of leprosy, while two developed tuberculosis later and one had extrapulmonary tuberculosis 5 years before the diagnosis of leprosy. The latter developed pulmonary tuberculosis as a reactivation while on treatment for leprosy. A majority of our patients with pulmonary tuberculosis had positive Mantoux test, high erythrocyte sedimentation rate, radiological evidence, and acid-fast bacilli in sputum. Human immunodeficiency virus and diabetes were detected in one patient. One patient had rifampicin-resistant tuberculosis, while she was on monthly rifampicin therapy for leprosy.


ヒト免疫不全ウイルス感染症、糖尿病、免疫抑制剤などの免疫不全状態は、結核感染の危険因子である。ハンセン病治療におけるステロイド剤の使用は、結核発症の感受性を高める可能性がある。ハンセン病患者における月1回のリファンピシン投与による二次的なリファンピシン耐性の発現は、結核感染症を併発している患者の治療において大きな懸念材料である。共感染の報告が少ないにもかかわらず、ハンセン病患者では、特に呼吸器症状や体質症状、高赤血球沈降率、胸部X線異常などがある場合には、結核のスクリーニングを行うことが推奨される。実際には、Mantoux検査やQuantiFERON Gold検査の陽性や喀痰中の酸壊死菌の存在は誤解を招きやすく、胸部X線での活動性結核の証拠や結核培養の陽性は、ハンセン病患者における活動性結核感染症の重要な診断手がかりとなります。このことは、結核治療に対する薬剤耐性の発現につながる可能性のある共感染が疑われる患者にリファンピシンを月1回投与することを避けるために重要である。ハンセン病患者におけるステロイド治療の長期化が結核発症の危険因子であるかどうかは、まだ議論の余地がある。

CONCLUSION: An immunocompromised status, such as human immunodeficiency virus infection, diabetes, and immunosuppressive drugs, are risk factors for tuberculosis infection. The use of steroids in the treatment of leprosy may increase the susceptibility to develop tuberculosis. Development of rifampicin resistance secondary to monthly rifampicin in leprosy is a major concern in treating patients coinfected with tuberculosis. Despite the paucity of reports of coinfection, it is advisable to screen for tuberculosis in patients with leprosy, especially if there are respiratory or constitutional symptoms, high erythrocyte sedimentation rate, and abnormal chest X-ray. The fact is that positive Mantoux and QuantiFERON Gold tests and presence of acid-fast bacilli in sputum are misleading, chest X-ray evidence of active tuberculosis and positive tuberculosis cultures are important diagnostic clues for active tuberculosis infection in a patient with leprosy. This is important to avoid monthly rifampicin in patients with suspected coinfections, which may lead to development of drug resistance to tuberculosis treatment. Whether prolonged steroid therapy in leprosy is a risk factor for development of tuberculosis is still controversial.