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Arch. Dis. Child..2020 Jul;archdischild-2019-318638. doi: 10.1136/archdischild-2019-318638.Epub 2020-07-14.


Disability and visual outcomes following suspected abusive head trauma in children under 2 years.

  • Juliana Wright
  • Sally Painter
  • Sheethal Sujayeendra Kodagali
  • Nicholas R Jones
  • Andrea Roalfe
  • Sandeep Jayawant
  • John Elston
  • Geetha Anand
PMID: 32665266 DOI: 10.1136/archdischild-2019-318638.




AIM: To report disability and visual outcomes following suspected abusive head trauma (AHT) in children under 2 years.


我々は、生後24ヶ月以下のAHTが疑われる小児の症例シリーズ(1995年~2017年)をレトロスペクティブに報告した。退院時および追跡調査時の障害転帰を評価するために、King's Outcome Score of Childhood Head Injury (KOSCHI)を使用した。この研究では、提示時の所見を記録するために網膜出血スコア(RHS)を使用し、追跡調査時の視覚的転帰スコアを使用した。

METHODS: We present a retrospective case series (1995-2017) of children with suspected AHT aged ≤24 months. King's Outcome Score of Childhood Head Injury (KOSCHI) was used to assess disability outcomes at hospital discharge and at follow-up. The study used a retinal haemorrhage score (RHS) to record findings at presentation and a visual outcome score at follow-up.


44 人の小児(年齢中央値 16 週)を対象とした.提示時、98%が硬膜下出血、93%が網膜出血であった。退院時には61%が中等度から重度の障害を有し、34%が良好な回復を示した。障害が大きい人ほどRHSが高かった(r=0.54、p=0.0002)。追跡調査時には、14%がKOSCHIスコアが悪化していた(p=0.055)。35%の子どもが視覚障害を有しており、そのうち9%は機能的な視力を有しなかった。視覚機能が低下した子どもたちは、RHSが高かった(r=0.53、p=0.003)。28%は支援を受けずに主流の学校に通っていた。50%は里親や養子縁組をしており、32%は実母と、18%は親戚と暮らしていた。

RESULTS: We included 44 children (median age 16 weeks). At presentation, 98% had a subdural haemorrhage and 93% had a retinal haemorrhage. At discharge, 61% had moderate-to-severe disability, and 34% a good recovery. A higher RHS was observed in those with more disability (r=-0.54, p=0.0002). At follow-up, 14% had a worse KOSCHI score (p=0.055). 35% children had visual impairment, including 9% with no functional vision. Those with poorer visual function had a higher RHS (r=0.53, p=0.003). 28% attended mainstream school without support; 50% were in foster care or had been adopted, 32% lived with birth mother and 18% with extended family.



CONCLUSION: It is known that injuries from suspected AHT result in high levels of morbidity; our cohort showed significant rates of disability and visual impairment. Those with higher disability at discharge and poorer visual function showed more significant retinal changes. The extent of disability was not always apparent at hospital discharge, impacting on provision of prognostic information and targeted follow-up.

© Author(s) (or their employer(s)) 2020. No commercial re-use. See rights and permissions. Published by BMJ.