Reduction of inappropriate implantable cardioverter-defibrillator therapies using enhanced supraventricular tachycardia discriminators: the ReduceIT study.
PMID: 32661865 DOI: 10.1007/s10840-020-00816-9.
不適切な植え込み型除細動器(ICD)ショックは,医療資源の使用量の増加,QOL の低下,死亡率の上昇と関連している.我々は,ICD/心臓再同期療法装置を装着した患者における不適切なICD療法を減らすための上室頻拍(SVT)識別アルゴリズム(形態識別,心拍数安定性,突然またはチャンバーオンセット)の性能を検討することを目的とした.
PURPOSE: Inappropriate implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) shocks are associated with greater healthcare resource utilization, poorer quality-of-life, and higher mortality. We aimed to investigate the performance of enhanced supraventricular tachycardia (SVT) discrimination algorithms (morphology discrimination, rate stability, and sudden or chamber onset) for reducing inappropriate ICD therapies in patients with ICD/cardiac resynchronization therapy devices.
この前向き、非ランダム化、多施設共同研究(ReduceIT)は、ドイツとエストニアの56施設で実施されました。St. Jude Medical™のICDまたはCRT-D留置を受けた心臓突然死のリスクのある成人が対象となりました。主要エンドポイントは12ヵ月後の不適切なICDショックからの解放であり、intention to treat(ITT)とプロトコルごとの集団で解析されました。
METHODS: This prospective, non-randomized, multicenter study (ReduceIT) study took place at 56 sites across Germany and Estonia. Adults at risk of sudden cardiac death undergoing St. Jude Medical™ ICD or CRT-D implantation were included. The primary endpoint was freedom from inappropriate ICD shock at 12 months and was analyzed in the intention to treat (ITT) and per-protocol population.
全体では733人の患者(65.9±11.4歳)が含まれ、そのうち40.9%の患者がシングルチャンバー検出装置を、59.1%の患者がデュアルチャンバー検出装置を受けた。追跡期間中(中央値11.9[0-21.6]月)、96.3%の患者が不適切な治療(ITT)を受けなかった。VT/VFの感度、特異度、精度はそれぞれ91.9%、95.5%、94.7%であった。プロトコルごとの集団(n=620)では、12ヵ月目に不適切なショックを受けなかった患者の割合は98.4%(n=610;95%CI 97.1-99.2%)で、SPICE試験、ATPonFastVT試験、DECREASE試験の割合から導き出された期待値93%(p<0.0001)を超えていた。合計44例(6.0%)の患者がフォローアップ期間中に死亡し、そのうち19例は心臓関連死であり、EMPIRIC、MADIT-RIT、ADVANCE III、PROVIDEのメタアナリシスと一致しています。重篤な装置や手技に関連した副作用は9.8%の患者で発生した。
RESULTS: Overall, 733 patients (65.9 ± 11.4 years) were included, of which 40.9% and 59.1% received a single- and dual-chamber detection device, respectively. During follow-up (median 11.9 [0-21.6] months), 96.3% of patients experienced no inappropriate therapy (ITT). The sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy for VT/VF were 91.9%, 95.5%, and 94.7%, respectively. In the per-protocol population (n = 620), the proportion of patients free from inappropriate shock at 12 months was 98.4% (n = 610; 95% CI 97.1-99.2%) and exceeded the expected value of 93% (p < 0.0001) which was derived from the rates in the SPICE, ATPonFastVT, and DECREASE studies. A total of 44 patients (6.0%) died during follow-up, 19 deaths were cardiac-related which is consistent with a meta-analysis of EMPIRIC, MADIT-RIT, ADVANCE III, and PROVIDE. Serious device and procedure-related adverse effects occurred in 9.8% of patients.
CONCLUSIONS: In ICD/CRT-D devices with advanced SVT discriminators, device programming according to clinical setting and detection chamber significantly reduces the rate of inappropriate ICD shocks without compromising patient safety. The algorithms and settings described herein have particular clinical importance and their employment may be of benefit to ICD recipients.