Biomonitoring of occupational exposure to phthalates: A systematic review.
PMID: 32659708 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijheh.2020.113548.
INTRODUCTION: Phthalates, a group of ubiquitous industrial chemicals, have been widely used in occupational settings, mainly as plasticizers in a variety of applications. Occupational exposure to different phthalates has been studied in several occupational settings using human biomonitoring (HBM).
AIM: To provide a comprehensive review of the available literature on occupational exposure to phthalates assessed using HBM and to determine future data needs on the topic as part of the HBM4EU project.
システマティック検索は、Pubmed、Scopus、Web of Scienceのデータベースで、Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses(PRISMA)ガイドラインを使用して、2000年から2019年9月4日までに発表された論文を対象に実施しました。フタル酸塩の職業性HBMに関する全22件の研究がレビューに適していると判断された。
METHODS: A systematic search was carried out in the databases of Pubmed, Scopus, and Web of Science for articles published between 2000 and September 4, 2019 using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines. A total of 22 studies on the occupational HBM of phthalates was considered suitable for review.
レビューされた研究のうち、19 件(86%)が DEHP に焦点を当てたもので、DEHP は現在認可の対象となっており、EU での規制が予定されている古いフタル酸塩である。その代謝物の一つであるMEHHPの濃度は、極端な幾何学的平均値を比較すると、11.6(一般集団と同程度)から151μg/gクレアチニンまでの範囲で、研究間および部門間で最大13倍の差がありました。DiNPやDPHPなどの新しいフタル酸塩に焦点を当てた研究は2件のみであった。地理的分布については、ヨーロッパで10件(スロバキアで6件を含む)、アジアで8件、北米で4件の研究が行われましたが、この分布は世界のフタル酸塩の生産および使用レベルをよく反映したものではありません。HBMの研究のほとんどは、PVC製品の製造に関連して実施されています。今後の研究では、i) 研究間の比較を容易にするためのサンプリングタイミングの統一的なアプローチ、ii) 新しいフタル酸塩、iii) 廃棄物管理またはリサイクル中の古いフタル酸塩に焦点を当てる必要があります。
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: Among the reviewed studies, 19 (86%) focused on DEHP, an old phthalate that is now subject to authorization and planned to be restricted in the EU. Concentrations of MEHHP, one of its metabolites, varied up to 13-fold between studies and across sectors when comparing extreme geometric means, ranging from 11.6 (similar to the general populations) to 151 μg/g creatinine. Only 2 studies focused on newer phthalates such as DiNP and DPHP. Concerning the geographical distribution, 10 studies were performed in Europe (including 6 in Slovakia), 8 in Asia, and 4 in North America, but this distribution is not a good reflection of phthalate production and usage levels worldwide. Most HBM studies were performed in the context of PVC product manufacturing. Future studies should focus on: i) a more uniform approach to sampling timing to facilitate comparisons between studies; ii) newer phthalates; and iii) old phthalates in waste management or recycling.
CONCLUSION: Our findings highlight the lack of recent occupational HBM studies on both old and new phthalate exposure in European countries and the need for a harmonized approach. Considering the important policy actions taken in Europe regarding phthalates, it seems relevant to evaluate the impact of these actions on exposure levels and health risks for workers.
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