Sunitinib-induced oxidative imbalance and retinotoxic effects in rats.
PMID: 32659367 DOI: 10.1016/j.lfs.2020.118072.
AIMS: Sunitinib (Su), a tyrosine kinase inhibitor, is one of the most commonly used anti-angiogenic drugs. Some studies have described retinal detachment and photoreceptor damage following systemic exposure to Su, despite beneficial effects achieved with local treatment of ocular pathologies. The aim of this study was to explore the role of NADPH oxidase system and oxidative stress in eyes from Su-treated animals.
雄性Wistarラットに25mg Su/kg体重/日の飼料を3週間投与した。投与終了後、眼組織のNADPH酸化酵素活性を化学発光法で、活性酸素量をジヒドロエチジウム(DHE)染色法で測定した。眼球および/または網膜におけるNADPH酸化酵素アイソフォーム(NOX1、NOX2およびNOX4)、抗酸化酵素および内皮/誘導性一酸化窒素酸化酵素アイソフォーム(eNOS/iNOS)の発現を、免疫蛍光、免疫ブロットおよびRT-qPCRを介して測定した。
MAIN METHODS: Male Wistar rats were administered 25 mg Su/kg body weight/day incorporated in the chow for 3 weeks. Upon treatment completion, NADPH oxidase activity and ROS levels were measured in ocular tissue by chemiluminescence and dihydroethidium (DHE) staining, respectively. The expression of NADPH oxidase isoforms (NOX1, NOX2 and NOX4), antioxidant enzymes and endothelial/inducible nitric oxidase isoforms (eNOS/iNOS) in the eyecup and/or retina were measured via immunofluorescence, immunoblotting and RT-qPCR.
Su 処理ラットの眼窩と網膜で NADPH 酸化酵素の活性と発現が増加した。網膜層の免疫組織蛍光研究では、Su処理後にNADPH酸化酵素アイソフォームのシグナルが増加していることが確認された。また、Su処理ラットでは、NOレベルとeNOS発現が低下したが、iNOSは上昇した。最後に、抗酸化酵素であるグルタチオンペルオキシダーゼの有意な減少がSu投与後のラットの眼球で測定され、グルタチオン還元酵素とスーパーオキシドジスムターゼには反対のパターンが見られた。
KEY FINDINGS: NADPH oxidase activity/expression increased in eyecup and retinas from Su-treated rats. Immunohistofluorescence studies in retinal layer confirmed a higher signal of NADPH oxidase isoforms after Su treatment. Treated animals also presented with reductions in NO levels and eNOS expression, whereas iNOS was upregulated. Finally, a significant depletion of antioxidant enzyme glutathione peroxidase was measured in eyecups of rats following Su exposure, and the opposite pattern was seen for glutathione reductase and superoxide dismutase.
SIGNIFICANCE: This study demonstrates that Su treatment is associated with NADPH oxidase-derived oxidative stress in the eye. Long-term treatment of Su should be properly monitored to avoid retinotoxic effects that might result in ocular pathologies and sight-threatening conditions.
Copyright © 2020. Published by Elsevier Inc.