Socioeconomic Status Is an Independent Prognostic Factor for Overall Survival in Patients With Multiple Myeloma: Real-World Data From a Cohort of 223 Patients.
PMID: 32653455 DOI: 10.1016/j.clml.2020.05.013.
INTRODUCTION: Socioeconomic status (SES) has been shown to be a prognostic factor for overall survival in a variety of hematologic malignancies, especially for patients who require continuous care such as those with multiple myeloma (MM).
2005年1月から2019年12月までに当科で診断・治療を受けた症候性MM患者223例のデータをレトロスペクティブに収集した。SES の評価には、少し修正した Kuppuswamy スケールを用いた。生存期間のKaplan-Meier推定法とCox回帰分析を用いた。
PATIENTS AND METHODS: We retrospectively collected data from 223 patients with symptomatic MM diagnosed and treated in our department from January 2005 to December 2019. The modified Kuppuswamy scale, slightly modified, was used for the SES assessment. The Kaplan-Meier estimator of survival and Cox regression analysis were used.
我々の223人のMM患者コホートでは、国際病期分類(International Staging System)のステージの高さと高リスクの細胞遺伝学に加えて、低SESは全生存期間(OS)の独立した不良予後因子であった(Cox回帰分析における低SESのハザード比、2.092;95%信頼区間[CI]、1.36-3.2;log-rank P= 0.000)。SESが低い患者は、全患者コホートと比較して生存期間が劣っていた(OS中央値:低SES、28ヵ月;95%CI、18-37.9;高SES、68ヵ月;95%CI、55.6-80.4;log-rank P= 0.000)。低SESのOSへの影響は、移植対象ではない高齢者およびMM国際病期分類I期の診断を受けた患者でより顕著であった。
RESULTS: In our cohort of 223 patients with MM, low SES was an independent poor prognostic factor for overall survival (OS), in addition to higher International Staging System stage and high-risk cytogenetics (hazard ratio for low SES on Cox regression analysis, 2.092; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.36-3.2; log-rank P = .000). Patients with low SES had inferior survival compared with the whole patient cohort (median OS: low SES, 28 months; 95% CI, 18-37.9; high SES, 68 months; 95% CI, 55.6-80.4; log-rank P = .000). The low SES effect on OS was more evident for the elderly patients who were not transplant eligible and in those with a diagnosis of MM International Staging System stage I. The effect of low SES on OS was attenuated by time, and ethnic origin had no effect on OS.
CONCLUSIONS: The results of the present study have shown that low SES is an independent poor prognostic factor for survival of patients with MM.
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