Severity of Intervertebral Disc Herniation Regulates Cytokine and Chemokine Levels In Patients with Chronic Radicular Back Pain.
PMID: 32653386 DOI: 10.1016/j.joca.2020.06.009.
OBJECTIVE: The contributions of intervertebral disc disease and subject-specific covariates to systemic inflammation in low back pain are unknown. We examined the effects of symptomatic disc herniation (DH) and MRI herniation severity on serum cytokine levels in clinical subjects.
DESIGN: Cytokine levels from lumbar DH subjects (N=78) were compared to control subjects (N=57) accounting for effects of DH, age, BMI and gender. Effect of DH severity on cytokine levels was analyzed on subsets of subjects with acute or chronic pain. Serum cytokines were also analyzed in a subset of patients between pre- and 3 months post-surgery.
症候性椎間板ヘルニア患者の血清中のサイトカインレベルは上昇し、共変量である年齢、BMI、性別がいくつかのサイトカインレベルに有意に寄与していた。ヘルニアの重症度は、疼痛強度(VAS)、HMGB1、PDGFbb、IL-9の血清レベルに有意に寄与した。ヘルニアの重症度とサイトカインレベルの関係は、急性症状ではなく慢性症状のある被験者で確認された。MIF の血清レベルは低下したが、CCL3、CCL11、CXCL1、CXCL10 のレベルは手術後に有意に上昇した。
RESULTS: Cytokine levels were elevated in the serum of patients with symptomatic DH, and the covariates age, BMI and gender significantly contributed to levels of some cytokines. Severity of herniation was a significant contributor to pain intensity (VAS), serum levels of HMGB1, PDGFbb, and IL-9. The relationship between DH severity and cytokine levels was confirmed in subjects with chronic, but not acute symptoms. Serum levels of MIF decreased, whereas levels of CCL3, CCL11, CXCL1, and CXCL10 were significantly elevated post surgery.
CONCLUSIONS: This study is the first to show that DH severity is coordinately associated with changes in serum levels of inflammatory cytokines in chronic pain subjects. HMGB1, PDGFbb and IL-9 are novel mediators of increasing DH severity, indicative of cellular damage, neuro-inflammation and angiogenesis. Resolution of inflammation was observed with decrease in MIF post surgery. However, elevated chemokine levels indicate ongoing remodeling and wound healing at 3-month time point.
Copyright © 2020 Osteoarthritis Research Society International. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.