両親の教育レベルは,口腔保健に関する知識や子供の口腔保健行動と関連しているのでしょうか?武漢市の 8446 世帯を対象とした調査
Are parents' education levels associated with either their oral health knowledge or their children's oral health behaviors? A survey of 8446 families in Wuhan.
PMID: 32652985 DOI: 10.1186/s12903-020-01186-4.
6~7 歳の子どもたちは初期の混合歯列期にあり、う蝕やその他の歯の病気の有病率が高く、口腔内の健康行動の形成に重要な時期である。そのため、子どもの口腔衛生習慣と親の口腔衛生知識は非常に重要である。本研究では、初めて大規模サンプルサイズに基づいて、子供の口腔保健行動、親の口腔保健知識、親のピットシーラントや亀裂シーラントの選択、親の教育レベルとの関係を探り、親の教育レベルの影響を親間で比較することを目的とした。
BACKGROUND: Children aged 6-7 years are in the early mixed dentition, which is a period of high prevalence of dental caries and other dental diseases and a critical period for the formation of oral health behaviors. Therefore, good oral hygiene habits of children and oral health knowledge of parents are very important. This study sought to explore the relationship between children's oral health behaviors, parental oral health knowledge, parental choices of pit and fissure sealants, and parents' education levels based on a large-scale sample size for the first time, and to compare the influences of parental education levels between parents.
本研究では、武漢宏山区の小学校 1 年生と 2 年生の家庭を対象とした。子供の口腔保健行動、保護者の口腔保健に関する知識、保護者の孔と裂け目のシーラント関連の選択に関する包括的な情報を得るために、合計 8446 件の質問票を収集した。これらの結果変数と保護者の教育レベルとの関係をロジスティック回帰分析とカイ二乗検定を用いて検討した.
METHODS: Families of the first and second graders of primary schools in Wuhan Hongshan District were included in this study. A total of 8446 questionnaires were collected to obtain comprehensive information on children's oral health behaviors, parents' oral health knowledge and parents' pit and fissure sealants-related choices. The relationship between these outcome variables and parents' education levels were studied using logistic regression analysis and chi-square test.
RESULTS: Parents who reported good educational background had more favorable oral health knowledge than those of other parents, and their children had better oral hygiene behaviors. Four indicators of five measures to children's oral health behaviors were significantly associated with mother's education level (P < 0.05), and three of them were related to father's education level (P ≤ 0.01). Moreover, seven indicators of eight measures to parents' oral health knowledge were significantly related to mother's education level (P < 0.05) and four of them were affected by the father's (P < 0.05). In addition, parents with higher educational attainments paid more attention to the completeness of medical facilities, the environment of dental practice, the distance to treatment sites, and took less concern of children's willingness when choosing the pit and fissure sealants sites.
CONCLUSIONS: In families with children at the early mixed dentition stage, parents with higher education levels tend to have better oral health knowledge and more oral health care needs, such as pit and fissure sealants. In addition, children of parents who have better educated parents tend to perform better oral hygiene practices.