The Toxicity Effect of Echium Amoenum on the Liver and Kidney of Mice.
PMID: 32652917 DOI: 10.2174/1570163817666200712170922.
本研究の目的は、動物モデルの肝臓と腎臓に対するEchium amoenum植物の毒性効果を調査することであった。
AIMS: The aim of this study was to investigate the toxic effect of Echium amoenum plants on the liver and kidney of animal model.
Echium amoenumは、様々なコミュニティの間で広く消費されているいくつかの特性を持つピロリジジンアルカロイドを含む薬用植物の一つである。
BACKGROUND: Echium amoenum is one of the medicinal plants containing pyrrolizidine alkaloids with several properties which has widely consumed among different communities.
OBJECTIVE: The toxic effects of Echium amoenum on the liver and kidney were investigated in this study.
60匹のマウスを適切な実験室条件下で28日間飼育した。28日間、Echium amoenum抽出物(25, 12.5, 50 mg / kg, ip.)を投与した。実験終了時に採血を行い、肝臓と腎臓を摘出して抽出物の肝毒性と腎毒性を評価した。さらに、酵素活性および酸化活性を測定するために実験を行った。
METHODS: Sixty mice were kept for 28 days under the appropriate laboratory conditions. Echium amoenum extract (25, 12.5, 50 mg / kg, ip.) was administered for 28 days. At the end of experiment, blood samples were drawn and liver and kidneys were removed for evaluating hepatotoxicity and nephrotoxicity of extract. Additionally, experiments were conducted to assay the enzymatic and oxidative activities.
肝臓及び腎臓の銅イオン濃度には、全群間で有意な差は認められなかった。また、処理群と対照群の肝臓における脂質過酸化のレベルには有意な差が認められた。全群の肝臓のグルタチオンのレベルには有意差は認められなかった。しかし、腎臓のグルタチオンのレベルは、治療群対対照群で有意に減少した。肝酵素(ALP, SGOT, SGPT)については、全群間で有意な差は認められなかった。このことは、抽出物の時間と濃度を高めることで損傷が増加していることを示している。生化学的分析では、クレアチニン、尿素値に変化は見られなかった。
RESULTS: There was no significant difference in the levels of copper ion in the liver and kidneys among all groups. There was a significant difference in the levels of lipid peroxidation in the liver of treated groups versus control group. The significant difference was not observed in the levels of glutathione of the liver of all groups. However, the levels of glutathione of the kidney significantly decreased in the treated groups versus control group. There was no significant difference in the liver enzymes including ALP, SGOT, and SGPT between all groups. This indicates that damage increase with enhancing the time and concentrations of extract. Biochemical analysis showed the creatinine and urea levels did not change in the treated groups versus control group.
CONCLUSION: According to the present findings, it is suggested that Echium amoenum causes hepatotoxicity and nephrotoxicity effects in dose and time dependent manner.
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