Musculoskeletal Injuries in Master Swimmers: A National Survey in Turkey.
PMID: 32642337 PMCID: PMC7336593. DOI: 10.7759/cureus.8421.
背景 本研究は、トルコのマスタースイマーにおける筋骨格系損傷の頻度を調べることを目的としています。収集したデータには、年齢、性別、水泳開始年齢(SAS)、週次トレーニング時間(WTT)、週次トレーニング距離(WTD)、過去1年以内に身体のいずれかの部位で10日以上続いた痛みを伴うエピソード、医師による筋骨格系疾患の確定診断、筋骨格系外科手術の既往歴が含まれていた。記述的データを提示し、人口統計学的特徴に応じて多重比較を行った。結果 平均年齢47.1±13.2歳(範囲26~89歳)の男子水泳選手88名であった。88名の選手のうち、27名(30.7%)は日常生活動作に痛みがなく、61名(69.3%)は少なくとも1つの部位に痛みがあり、合計118の疼痛部位が報告された。痛みを感じる身体部位は肩が最も多く(n:37、42.0%)、次いで腰(n:24、27.3%)、首(n:19、21.6%)、背中(n:12、13.6%)、膝(n:9、10.2%)となっていた。平均年齢、SAS、WTT、WTD、脳卒中嗜好の分布は、疼痛の有無と診断の報告のある被験者でもない被験者でも同様であった(p>0.005)。最も多かった手術は腰椎椎間板症(16.7%)と椎間板切除術(16.7%)であった。結論 現在の文献の所見と比較して、マスタースイマーは、彼らの若いカウンターパートほど多くの筋骨格系の問題を持っていません。マスタースイマーに見られる問題は低いですが、競争力のあるエリートスイマーに見られる問題と似ています。筋骨格系の健康の観点から見ると、水泳はマスターの年齢層には安全です。筋骨格系の手術を受けた高齢者にも安全に水泳を提供することができます。
Background This study aimed to determine the frequency of musculoskeletal injuries in master swimmers in Turkey. Methods A questionnaire was formed and distributed to all master swimmers registered with the Turkish Swimming Federation. The collected data included age, sex, the age to start swimming (SAS), weekly training time (WTT), weekly training distance (WTD), any painful episode that lasted more than 10 days in any of the body regions within last one year, any confirmed diagnosis of musculoskeletal disease by a physician, and history of musculoskeletal surgical operation. The descriptive data were presented, and multiple comparisons were made according to demographic characteristics. Results There were 88 male swimmers with a mean age of 47.1±13.2 years (range, 26-89 years). Of the 88 athletes, 27 (30.7%) had no pain in daily activities, and 61 (69.3%) reported pain in at least one region, with a total of 118 pain zones reported. The shoulder was the most common painful body region (n:37, 42.0%), followed by the lower back (n: 24, 27.3%), neck (n: 19, 21.6%), back (n:12, 13.6%), and knee (n:9, 10.2%). The mean age, SAS, WTT, WTD, and distribution of stroke preference were similar in subjects with or without reported pain and diagnosis (p>0.005). Any painful body region and diagnosis were equally distributed in all swimming styles (p>0.05). The most common surgeries were lumbar disc disease (16.7%) and meniscectomy (16.7%). Conclusion Compared to the findings in the current literature, master swimmers do not have as many musculoskeletal problems as their younger counterparts. The problems seen in master swimmers are lower but similar to those in competitive elite swimmers. From the musculoskeletal health perspective, swimming is safe for the master age group. Swimming can be safely offered to elderly patients who underwent even musculoskeletal surgery.
Copyright © 2020, Atilla et al.