Norwegian Female Incontinence Registryの完全性と正確性
The completeness and accuracy of the Norwegian Female Incontinence Registry.
PMID: 32640493 DOI: 10.1111/aogs.13951.
医療の質登録は、医療の質を監視するツールとして人気を博し、研究のためのデータソースとしての役割を果たしている。Norwegian Female Incontinence Registry(NFIR)は、ノルウェーでストレス性尿失禁と混合性尿失禁を持つ女性の手術の質を監視・改善し、研究のためのデータを収集するために1998年に設立された。本研究の目的は、ノルウェー女性失禁レジストリの完全性と正確性、およびデータの正確性の経時的な違いと報告病院の手術量による潜在的な違いを評価することであった。
INTRODUCTION: Medical quality registries have gained popularity as tools for monitoring the quality of medical treatments and serve as data source for research. The Norwegian Female Incontinence Registry (NFIR) was established in 1998 to monitor and improve the quality of surgery for women with stress and mixed urinary incontinence in Norway and to collect data for research. The present study aimed to assess the completeness and accuracy of the Norwegian Female Incontinence Registry, and potential differences in data accuracy over time and according to surgical volume of the reporting hospitals.
28 の公立病院から Norwegian Female Incontinence Registry に報告された 1998~2016 年の間に尿失禁のために手術を受けた合計 20 610 例の中から、無作為に 300 例の女性を抽出して検証を行った。データベースの完全性は、Norwegian Female Incontinence RegistryとNorwegian National Patient Registryの両方に登録されている手術手技を比較することで、2008年~2017年のデータベースの完全性を推定した。選択された10の主要変数についてレジストリに記録された過去データを抽出し、報告病院の患者の個々の医療記録を参照として比較した。査読者は、以前に保存された情報を盲検化した。連続変数のクラス内相関係数とカテゴリカル変数のコーエンのカッパが計算された。
MATERIALS AND METHODS: A random selection of 300 women from a total of 20 610 operated for urinary incontinence between 1998 and 2016 reported to the Norwegian Female Incontinence Registry from 28 public hospitals were selected for validation. The database completeness was estimated for 2008 - 2017 by comparing surgical procedures registered both in the Norwegian Female Incontinence Registry and Norwegian National Patient Registry. Historical data recorded in the Registry for ten selected key variables were extracted and compared to the patients' individual medical records at the reporting hospitals as reference. The reviewers were blinded to the previously stored information. Intraclass correlation coefficient for continuous variables and Cohen's kappa for categorical variables were calculated.
RESULTS: Primary source data on 285 out of the 300 women selected from Norwegian Female Incontinence Registry was successfully retrieved. The completeness of the registry has increased from 61 % in 2008 to 99 % in 2017. The national coverage has increased from 12 reporting departments in 1998 to all 38 public departments performing female incontinence surgery in 2017. Excellent accuracy was found for both continuous variables (intraclass correlation coefficient > 0.94) and categorical variables (Cohen's kappa > 0.86). No differences in data accuracy were found comparing high volume hospitals to low volume hospitals, or when comparing data accuracy over time.
ノルウェー女性失禁レジストリ(Norwegian Female Incontinence Registry)は、失禁手術や研究の質を評価するための信頼できるツールです。レジストリの完全性は時間の経過とともに改善され、現在ではノルウェーで失禁手術を受けたほぼすべての女性のデータが含まれています。
CONCLUSIONS: The Norwegian Female Incontinence Registry is a reliable tool for quality assessment of incontinence surgery and research. The registry completeness has improved over time and now contains data from nearly all women undergoing incontinence surgery in Norway.
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