エチオピア北部Shire Endasilasie保健施設における緩和ケアに向けた看護師の実践:横断的研究
Nurses practice towards palliative care in Shire Endasilasie health facilities, Northern Ethiopia: a cross-sectional study.
PMID: 32637008 PMCID: PMC7321685. DOI: 10.11604/pamj.2020.35.110.18648.
Introduction: The public health strategy of the World Health Organization for palliative care is to increase access to palliative care services by integrating it with the healthcare systems. Therefore, the value of palliative care service provision by nurses who deliver the majority of care to chronical patients is an important issue. The objective of the study is assessing nurses' practice of palliative care.
Methods: A facility based cross-sectional study was carried out among 278 nurses working in governmental health facilities of Shire Endasilasie town, Tigray region, Ethiopia from February to June 2018. The questionnaire was revised based on the findings of the pre-test. The collected data was checked for its completeness, consistency, and accuracy before analysis. Data were entered and analyzed using SPSS version 22. The final result was reported using text and tables.
本研究には278名の看護師が参加し、回答率は100%であった。参加者の大半(71.9%)が女性で、回答者の平均年齢は32.08歳(20歳から60歳までの範囲)であった。回答者の約3分の2(74.8%)が緩和ケアの実践に関する知識が乏しかった。調査参加者の半数は、第一の心理的支援として得られた感情的支援を報告していた。重度の痛みによく使用される薬剤はパラセタモールまたはイブプロフェン 202 例(72.2%)、47.8%の看護師は質の高い患者の疼痛評価に重点を置いていた。
Results: A total of 278 nurses were included in the study and the response rate was 100%. The majority of the participants (71.9%) were females and the mean age of the respondents was 32.08 years (range from 20 to 60). Approximately two-thirds (74.8%) of the respondents had poor knowledge of palliative care practice. Half of the study participants reported emotional support gained as primary psychological support. Commonly used drugs for severe pain were paracetamol or ibuprofen 202 (72.2%) and 47.8% nurses focus on quality patient pain assess.
Conclusion: The majority of the nurses had a poor practice of palliative care.
© Teklay Zeru et al.