Incidence risk of bronchopneumonia in newborn calves associated with intrauterine diselementosis.
PMID: 32636598 PMCID: PMC7311866. DOI: 10.14202/vetworld.2020.987-995.
Background and Aim: Macro- and micro-elements are required to ensure the normal course of biochemical processes in the development of an animal's body. Any excess, deficiency, or imbalance in chemical elements in an animal's body can cause the development of various latent or clinically expressed pathological conditions. Diselementosis in pregnant cows may lead to impaired embryo and fetal development, as well as reduced neonatal viability. The aim of this study was to analyze the content of macroelements and microelements in the blood serum of both calving cows and their calves to evaluate the relationship between indicators of mineral metabolism in the mother and newborn and to establish what role separate chemical elements play in making newborn calves more prone to bronchopneumonia.
カリウム(K)、ナトリウム(Na)、鉄(Fe)、銅(Cu)、亜鉛(Zn)、ストロンチウム(Sr)、ヒ素(As)、ニッケル(Ni)、コバルト(Co)、クロム(Cr)、モリブデン(Mo)の含有量。とセレン(Se)を島津製作所製原子吸光光度計 AA6300(日本)を用いて測定した。カルシウム(Ca)およびマグネシウム(Mg)の含有量は、オリンパス400分析装置(ベックマン・コールター、米国)のイオン選択電極を用いて測定した。生後 1 ヶ月の間に、サンプルセットの子牛はすべて何らかの呼吸器疾患を患っており、7 頭の子牛は気管支肺炎を患っていた。遡及的に、成牛と新生牛のサンプルをそれぞれ 2 つのグループに分けました。ダム I - 合併していない気管支炎の子牛(n=26)、ダム II - 気管支肺炎の子牛(n=7)、新生児 I - 合併していない気管支炎の子牛(n=26)、新生児 II - 気管支肺炎の子牛(n=7)です。
Materials and Methods: The content of potassium (K), sodium (Na), iron (Fe), Copper (Cu), Zinc (Zn), Strontium (Sr), arsenic (As), nickel (Ni), cobalt (Co), chromium (Cr), molybdenum (Mo), and selenium (Se) in the blood serum of 33 pregnant cows between 239 and 262 days of gestation and their 33 1-day old calves was determined using the Shimadzu AA6300 (Japan) atomic adsorption spectrophotometer. Calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) content was determined using ion-selective electrodes from the Olympus-400 analyzer (Beckman Coulter, USA). During the 1 month of life, all calves in the sample set had some sort of respiratory diseases and seven of the calves had bronchopneumonia. Retrospectively, the samples of adult and newborn animals were divided into two groups each: Dams I - cows whose calves had uncomplicated bronchitis (n=26); Dams II - cows whose calves got bronchopneumonia (n=7); and Newborns I - calves with uncomplicated bronchitis (n=26); Newborns II - calves with bronchopneumonia (n=7).
両群の子牛のダム中のCa、Mg、K、Na、Mo、Seの含有量は基準範囲内であり、FeとNiの濃度は基準範囲よりも高く、Cu、Zn、As、Co、Crの濃度は基準範囲よりも低かった。ダムスⅠ群とダムスⅡ群の間では、元素の状態に有意な差はなかった。新生子牛では、Ca と Mo の濃度は基準範囲に対応し、Mg、Fe、Co、Ni の濃度は両群とも基準範囲を超え、Cu、Zn、As、Cr、Se の濃度は基準範囲より低かった。その結果、新生児Ⅱ群の子牛は新生児Ⅰ群の子牛に比べて、Fe、Mo、Seの濃度が低下する傾向があり、Niの濃度が有意に増加していることが明らかになった。また、Zn, Co, Cr, Moは新生児の体内に積極的に蓄積し、Cu, As, Srは胎盤からの移行が制限され、Se, Niは母体と胎児の血液中の濃度比によって制御されていることが明らかになった。牛や子牛の血清中のNiとFeの過剰な濃度とFe-Cu-Zn,Fe-Cu-Coの元素比のアンバランスは、胎児や新生児の赤血球造血、免疫系の形成、抗酸化状態に悪影響を及ぼすことが明らかになった。これらの変化は子牛の気管支肺炎発症の危険因子と考えられた。
Results: The content of Ca, Mg, K, Na, Mo, and Se in dams in both groups of cows was within the reference range; the concentrations of Fe and Ni were higher than the reference range; and the concentrations of Cu, Zn, As, Co, and Cr were lower than the reference range. There were no significant differences in elemental status between the Dams I and Dams II groups. In newborn calves, the concentration of Ca and Mo corresponded to the reference range; the concentrations of Mg, Fe, Co, and Ni in both groups exceeded the reference range; and the concentrations of Cu, Zn, As, Cr, and Se were lower than the reference range. Results highlighted that there was a tendency to decrease concentration of Fe, Mo, and Se and a significant increase in the Ni concentration in calves of the Newborns II group compared with calves of the Newborns I group. It was also found that Zn, Co, Cr, and Mo actively accumulated in the body of newborn animals while the transplacental transfer of Cu, As, and Sr was limited; and transfer of Se and Ni was regulated by concentration ratios in the blood of the mother and the fetus. The excessive concentrations of Ni and Fe in the blood serum of cows and calves and the imbalance in the ratio of elements Fe-Cu-Zn, Fe-Cu-Co negatively affected erythropoiesis, formation of the immune system, and antioxidant status of the fetus and newborn. These changes were considered to be risk factors for the development of bronchopneumonia in calves.
妊娠期間中の牛の血清 Fe と Ni の過剰、および Cu、Zn、As、Co、Cr の欠乏は、新生児の子牛のミネラル状態にも同様の障害をもたらす可能性があります。全身レベルでは、他の悪影響因子の影響と組み合わせて、クレメントーシスは、出生後の適応期に子牛の呼吸器系および造血器系への負荷を増加させ、その後、子牛の自然抵抗力の低下および気管支肺炎の発症を引き起こす可能性があります。
Conclusion: An excess of serum Fe and Ni and deficiency of Cu, Zn, As, Co, and Cr in cows during the gestation period can lead to similar impairments of the mineral status in newborn calves. At the systemic level, dyslementosis in combination with the influence of other adverse factors, can lead to an increased load on the respiratory and hematopoietic systems of calves during postnatal adaptation and can subsequently cause a decrease in the natural resistance of calves and development of bronchopneumonia.
Copyright: © Kalaeva, et al.