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Medicine (Baltimore).2020 Jul;99(27):e21016. 00005792-202007020-00101. doi: 10.1097/MD.0000000000021016.


The association of obesity with health insurance coverage and demographic characteristics: a statewide cross-sectional study.

  • Evangelia K Mylona
  • Gregorio Benitez
  • Fadi Shehadeh
  • Elvira Fleury
  • Sophia C Mylonakis
  • Markos Kalligeros
  • Eleftherios Mylonakis
PMID: 32629722 PMCID: PMC7337412. DOI: 10.1097/MD.0000000000021016.


政府および州が出資するプログラム(メディケアおよびメディケイド)と民間保険の間で、肥満とその合併症の州全体の負担を評価した。2017年にロードアイランド州の州全体の健康ネットワークを訪問した成人(18~65歳)の間で、異なる人口統計学的グループ間で、健康保険に基づいて、肥満の有病率と関連する併存疾患の有病率を計算しました74,089人の全体的な肥満の有病率は38.88%でした[アジア人16.77%、白人37.49%、ヒスパニック44.23%、黒人48.44%]。メディケアまたはメディケイドの受益者は、商業保険に加入している人に比べて、それぞれ26%と27%で肥満の可能性が高かった(Odds Ratio:1.26、95%信頼区間[CI]:1.20~1.32;Odds Ratio:1.27、95%CI:1.22~1.32)。さらに、肥満のメディケイドおよびメディケアの受益者は、肥満の個人保険者と比較して糖尿病の有病率が高かった(10.58%、10.44%対4.45%)。肥満を持つメディケアの受益者は、虚血性心疾患の統計的に高い有病率(4.34%、95%CI:3.77-4.91)を持っていた個人被保険者(3.21%、95%CI:2.94-3.47).18歳から65歳の成人の間の州全体のデータに基づいて、メディケアとメディケイドは、肥満を持つ個人の40%と肥満に関連した併存疾患と合併症を持つ人の46%に健康保険を提供しています。州と連邦政府の医療プログラムは、肥満に関連したサービスとカバレッジを支援し、拡大する必要があります。

We evaluated the statewide burden of obesity and its complications among government and state funded programs (Medicare and Medicaid) and commercial insurance.We calculated the prevalence of obesity and the prevalence of relevant comorbidities among different demographic groups and based on health insurance, among adults (18-65 years old) who visited a statewide health network in the state of Rhode Island, in 2017.The overall prevalence of obesity among 74,089 individuals was 38.88% [Asians 16.77%, Whites 37.49%, Hispanics 44.23%, and Blacks 48.44%]. Medicare or Medicaid beneficiaries were 26% and 27%, respectively, more likely to have obesity than those who had commercial insurance (Odds Ratio:1.26, 95% confidence interval [CI]:1.20-1.32; Odds Ratio:1.27, 95%CI:1.22-1.32). Moreover, Medicaid and Medicare beneficiaries with obesity had a higher prevalence of diabetes compared with privately insured with obesity (10.58% and 10.44% vs 4.45%). Medicare beneficiaries with obesity had a statistically higher prevalence of ischemic heart disease (4.34%, 95%CI: 3.77-4.91) than privately insured (3.21%, 95%CI: 2.94-3.47).Based on statewide data among 18 to 65 years old adults, Medicare and Medicaid provide health coverage to 40% of individuals with obesity and 46% of those with the obesity-related comorbidities and complications. State and federal health care programs need to support and expand obesity-related services and coverage.