バイアレリック ABCA4 病原性亜種を有する 506 例の家族からなるスペインのコホート研究における遺伝子型とフェノタイプの相関
Genotype-phenotype correlations in a Spanish cohort of 506 families with bi-allelic ABCA4 pathogenic variants.
PMID: 32619608 DOI: 10.1016/j.ajo.2020.06.027.
世界最大規模の患者コホート研究において、遺伝子型とフェノタイプの相関関係を定義すること。Stargardt 病(STGD1)434 例とコーンロッドジストロフィー(CRD)72 例であり、すべての患者が ABCA4 変異体を有する。
PURPOSE: To define genotype-phenotype correlations in the largest cohort study worldwide of patients: 434 with Stargardt disease (STGD1) and 72 with cone-rod dystrophy (CRD), all carrying biallelic ABCA4 variants.
DESIGN: Cohort study.
ABCA4 変異体を有する 506 例の患者を、従来の遺伝学的手法と次世代シークエンシング技術を用いて特徴付けた。病歴および眼科学的データは 372 人の患者から取得した。変異型のタイプ、症状発現時年齢(AO)、臨床表現型について、遺伝子型と表現型の相関研究を実施した。
METHODS: We characterized 506 patients with ABCA4 variants using conventional genetic tools and Next Generation Sequencing technologies. Medical history and ophthalmological data were obtained from 372 patients. Genotype-phenotype correlation studies were carried out for the following variables: variant type, age at onset of symptoms (AO), and clinical phenotype.
506 人の ABCA4 患者で合計 228 種類の病原性バリアントが同定されたが、そのうち 50 種類は新規変異であった。遺伝子型とフェノタイプの相関から、バイアレクティック・トランケート・バリアントを有する患者のほとんどがCRDを呈し、これらの患者はSTGD1患者よりも有意に早期のAOを有していた。3つのミスセンス変異が初めてCRDと関連していた(c.1804C>T;p.(Arg602Trp)、c.3056C>T;p.(Thr1019Met)、c.6320G>C;p.(Arg2107Pro))。スペインで最も多いABCA4変異体c.3386G>T;p. (Arg1129Leu)の解析により、STGD1と相関があり、後のAOや小房欠損との相関があることが明らかになりました。
RESULTS: A total of 228 different pathogenic variants were identified in 506 ABCA4 patients, 50 of which were novel. Genotype-phenotype correlations showed that most of the patients with biallelic truncating variants presented CRD and these cases had a significantly earlier AO than STGD1 patients. Three missense variants are associated with CRD for first time (c.1804C>T;p.(Arg602Trp), c.3056C>T;p.(Thr1019Met), c.6320G>C;p.(Arg2107Pro)). Analysis of the most prevalent ABCA4 variant in Spain, c.3386G>T;p.(Arg1129Leu), revealed that is correlated to STGD1, a later AO and foveal sparing.
CONCLUSIONS: Our study, conducted in the largest ABCA4-associated disease cohort reported to date, updates the genotype-phenotype model established for ABCA4 variants, and broadens the mutational spectrum of the gene. According to our observations, ABCA4 patients presenting with two truncating variants may first present features of STGD1 but eventually develop rod dysfunction, and specific missense variants may be associated with a different phenotype, underscoring the importance of an accurate genetic diagnosis. Also, it is a prerequisite for enrollment in clinical trials, and to date, no other treatment has been approved for STGD1.
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