Mapping the Product Range of Interdental Brushes: Sizes, Shapes, and Forces.
PMID: 32618458 DOI: 10.3290/j.ohpd.a44035.
PURPOSE: Preventive dentistry aims to improve oral hygiene, including the use of interdental cleansing aids. Clear and simple classifications may positively impact patient communication and motivate oral health behaviour. To date, there is no comparative analysis of interdental brush classifications and sizes.
歯間ブラシのISO規格(ISO16409:2016)に準拠した通過孔径(PHD)について、24メーカーの合計2320本の歯間ブラシサンプルを調査し、現在の分類を評価した。評価者20名と10本の歯間ブラシを用いて、ISOサイズ分類の相互信頼性および内部信頼性を決定した。これらの歯間ブラシの挿入力をin vitroで分析した。
MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 2320 interdental brush samples by 24 manufacturers was examined regarding their passage hole diameter (PHD) according to the ISO standard for interdental brushes (ISO16409:2016), and their current classifications were evaluated. Inter- and intrarater reliability of the ISO size classification were determined based on 20 raters and 10 interdental brushes. The insertion force for these interdental brushes was analysed in vitro.
全体的に優れた評価者内および評価者間信頼性が達成された(クラス内相関係数(ICC)≧0.973)が,ブラシサイズが大きいほど分散が大きいことが観察された.挿入力はブラシのサイズと形状に応じて変化し、円筒形とテーパー形のブラシでは 1.58 N (SD = 1.27 N)、腰の形のブラシでは 2.31 N (SD = 0.81 N) となりました。市販品のサイズ範囲はPHDが0.6~5.2mmで、90%がPHD≦2.0mmであった。サイズ間隔は系統的ではありませんでした。ISOサイズは全製造業者の33%、正確なPHDは25%でした。
RESULTS: Excellent intra- and interrater reliability was achieved (intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) ≥ 0.973) overall, although greater variance was observed for bigger brush sizes. Insertion forces varied depending on size and form of the brushes, amounting to 1.58 N (SD = 1.27 N) for cylindric and tapered brushes, and to 2.31 N (SD = 0.81 N) for waist-shaped brushes. The size range of commercially available products was 0.6-5.2 mm PHD, 90% presenting with a PHD ≤ 2.0 mm. Size intervals were unsystematic. The ISO size was indicated by 33% of all manufacturers, the exact PHD by 25%.
CONCLUSIONS: The determination of the PHD is a reproducible instrument for most brushes currently on the market. In vitro, forces developed based on this classification are mostly moderate, thus unlikely to cause periodontal trauma. Given the discontinuous range and unclear labelling of available products, the development of a simplified classification system by usage of the PHD may benefit the practitioner and patient alike by contributing to improve oral hygiene behaviours.