Does the third molar position influence periodontal status and overall condition of patients with acute pericoronitis? A cross-sectional study.
PMID: 32617697 DOI: 10.1007/s10006-020-00871-6.
歯の位置は心膜炎の臨床症状に重要な関連因子である可能性がある.我々の目的は、Pell and Gregory分類による下第三大臼歯の位置と心膜炎患者の臨床的変数との関連を検証することであった。
PURPOSE: The teeth positioning may be an important associated factor for the pericoronitis' clinical signs. Our objective was to verify the association between lower third molar position according to the Pell and Gregory classification and clinical variables in patients with pericoronitis.
METHODS: Cross-sectional analysis of panoramic radiographs and medical records of patients with pericoronitis. Primary outcomes: pain and oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL); secondary outcomes: mouth opening, edema/erythema extension, visible plaque index, bleeding on probing index, periodontal pocket probing depth, and distal alveolar bone crest height of the adjacent second molar.
RESULTS: The edema/erythema extension was higher in the IIA position compared with the IA position (p = 0.03). Regarding the OHRQoL, the OHIP-14 score was 21.0 (± 9.26, range from 4 to 44). The most scored domain was physical pain (5.24), followed by psychological discomfort (4.43). Third molars in IIA position are associated with worse OHRQoL than IB and IIB positions (p = 0.03).
CONCLUSIONS: There was a higher extension of edema/erythema and worse OHRQoL when the third molar was in IIA position. Prophylactic removal of mandibular third molar in position IIA may avoid the onset of mucosal edema/erythema and prevent pericoronitis from promoting impairment of individuals' quality of life.