Prenatal cannabis exposure and sleep outcomes in children 9-10 years of age in the adolescent brain cognitive development study.
PMID: 32605891 DOI: 10.1016/j.sleh.2020.05.006.
OBJECTIVES: Analyze the associations between prenatal cannabis exposure and child sleep outcomes.
思春期脳認知発達研究(ABCD Study®)のデータを用いて、出生前の大麻使用の母親の報告が、出生前の物質曝露、母親の教育、世帯収入、親の婚姻状況、人種、子供の性別、子供の年齢を含む共変量をコントロールした9~10歳の11,875人の子供の睡眠転帰と関連しているかどうかを決定した。
METHODS: Data from the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development Study (ABCD Study®) was used to determine whether maternal reports of prenatal cannabis use were associated with child sleep outcomes among 11,875 children ages 9-10 controlling for covariates including prenatal substance exposure, mother's education, combined household income, parental marital status, race, child sex, and child age.
出生前の大麻使用の支持は、睡眠の開始および維持の障害、覚醒の障害、睡眠覚醒の障害、過度の傾眠の障害、および合計睡眠障害スコア(すべてβ"Zs_A0">"Zs_A0"0.10およびp 。10およびp"Zs_A0"<"Zs_A0"0.03)、出生前の毎日の大麻使用頻度は過剰な傾眠障害と有意に関連していた(β"Zs_A0"="Zs_A0"0.29、p"Zs_A0"="Zs_A0"0.03)。
RESULTS: Endorsement of any prenatal cannabis use was associated with symptoms of disorders of initiating and maintaining sleep, disorders of arousal, sleep wake disorders, disorders of excessive somnolence, and a summed sleep disorder score (all β > 0.10 and p < 0.03) while frequency of prenatal daily cannabis use was significantly associated with disorders of excessive somnolence (β = 0.29, p = 0.03).
CONCLUSIONS: Although causality is not established, the results suggest potential long-term effects of prenatal cannabis exposure on sleep and the prudence of abstinence from cannabis use while pregnant.
Copyright © 2020 National Sleep Foundation. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.