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BMC Vet. Res..2020 Jun;16(1):224. 10.1186/s12917-020-02439-8. doi: 10.1186/s12917-020-02439-8.Epub 2020-06-30.


An unusual presentation of developmental anomalies of the cardiovascular system including tetralogy of fallot, double outlet right ventricle, patent foramen ovale and persistent right aortic arch in a Friesian calf.

  • Aine McManus
  • Tim Moloney
  • Pamela Kelly
  • Conor Rowan
  • Cliona Skelly
  • Catherine I McAloon
PMID: 32605568 PMCID: PMC7325375. DOI: 10.1186/s12917-020-02439-8.



ウシ種では先天性心疾患が時折遭遇する。心室中隔欠損症(VSD)と心房中隔欠損症(ASD)が最も多いと報告されていますが、膨大な数が報告されています[1, 2]。先天性心疾患は、子牛の先天性異常全体の3%未満と考えられています[3]。様々な心臓の異常は、セプタエや心室の欠損などの胚発生の欠陥により発生します[2]。これらの先天性心臓異常の正確な病因は、まだ十分に解明されていません [4]。VSDは子牛の先天性心臓異常の中で最も一般的なもののようです。その他の疾患は、チアノーゼ性疾患(ASDや動脈管特許など)と非チアノーゼ性疾患(フラロット四徴症やアイゼンメンゲルス複合体など)に細分化されます [5, 6]。先天性異常の配列を持つ例外的な症例が、フリース産の未経産牛の子牛で確認された。著者の知る限りでは、この種の子牛に先天性異常を併発した例は報告されていない。

BACKGROUND: Congenital heart diseases are occasionally encountered in the bovine species. Ventricular septal defects (VSD) and atrial septal defects (ASD) are reported to be the most common; however, a vast collection have been reported [1, 2]. Congenital heart diseases is thought to represent less than 3% of all congenital abnormalities in calves [3]. Various cardiac anomalies arise due to defective embryologic development such as defects of the septae or the cardiac chambers [2]. The exact aetiology of these congenial heart anomalies remains to be fully elucidated [4]. VSDs appear to be the most common congenital cardiac anomaly in calves. Other diseases can be subdivided into cyanotic (e.g. ASD or patent ductus arteriosus) and non-cyanotic (e.g. tetralogy of fallot or eisenmengers complex) [5, 6]. An exceptional presentation of an array of congenital anomalies was identified in a Friesian heifer calf. To the authors' knowledge this concurrent collection of congenital abnormalities has never been reported in this species.


生後 3 日齢のフリース産の未経産牛が、生後摂食後の逆流の既往歴を呈していた。臨床検査の主な所見は、胸部収縮期雑音を伴うタキプノであった。心エコー検査では、VSD、卵巣開放孔(PFO)(いずれも左右の血流がある)、三尖頭不全が確認されました。子牛はその後安楽死させられ、死後の総体検査を受けた。持続性右大動脈アーチ(PRAA)が確認されました。心エコーで確認された心臓の異常は、二重出口右心室(DORV)、大血管の部分転位、肺動脈狭窄、肺動脈右枝の低形成、右心室肥大などの追加の異常とともに確認されました。最終診断はDORV,PFO,PRAAを伴うFallot四徴症であった。肺は心不全と頭蓋腹腔吸引性肺炎のため流血とうっ血を呈した。胸腔内に遊離漿液が認められた.左腎臓の片側性腎発赤は偶発的なものであったが,心臓異常との併発であったので注意が必要であった.

CASE PRESENTATION: A 3-day old Friesian heifer presented with a history since birth of regurgitation post feeding. The main finding on clinical examination was tachypnoea with a holosystolic murmur. Echocardiography identified a VSD, patent foramen ovale (PFO) (both with left to right blood flow) and tricuspid insufficiency. The calf was subsequently euthanised and underwent gross post-mortem examination. A persistent right aortic arch (PRAA) was identified. The cardiac anomalies identified on the echocardiogram were confirmed along with additional abnormalities; double outlet right ventricle (DORV), partial transposition of the great vessels, pulmonic stenosis, hypoplasia of the right branch of the pulmonary artery and right ventricular hypertrophy. The final diagnosis was Tetralogy of Fallot with DORV, PFO and PRAA. The lungs appeared oedematous and congested due to cardiac malfunction and cranioventral aspiration pneumonia. Free serous fluid was identified in the thoracic cavity. Unilateral renal agenesis of the left kidney was an incidental finding but is of note due to its coexistence with the cardiac abnormalities.



CONCLUSIONS: This is an unusual case as it features numerous congenital abnormalities that appeared to negate each other allowing capability with life. To the authors' knowledge, this collection of concurrent cardiac anomalies has not been previously reported in bovines.